
……………………PURPLE…..PURPLE……PURPLE……and what a gorgeous PURPLE it is……..fit for the Caesars of Rome and Kings of ancient lands. They were the only ones who were permitted to wear this color as it was very rare and difficult to get. It was associated with royalty, power and wealth for centuries. Queen Elizabeth the First forbade anyone except close members of the royal family to wear it. The PURPLE fabric was so outrageously expensive that only rulers could afford it. The dye initially used to make PURPLE came from the Phoenician trading city of Tyre, which is now modern day Lebanon. The dye came from a small mollusk that was only found in the Tyre region of the Mediterranean Sea……………and you thought it was only a color!……….For bottom colors I would stick to your dark basics….Black…..Navy and Charcoal Grey…..you don’t want anything to take away from this magnificent PURPLE color……Purple is definitely a mood color. It is the perfect backdrop for all of your Byzantine Linea jewelry. Gold, Silver, Gunmetal and Chocolate metals all look glorious on this PURPLE…..Chocolate metal is not expected, but wonderfully unique………..I always love PURPLE and RED together. A few yeas ago I did a paisley print skirt and top in a purple red combo….it was my favorite………….Above, I am featuring my new RED/GOLD DROP SLIDE PENDANT [no style number yet, it’s due next month]. You can adjust the drop by pulling the chain through the bean like keeper. Notice the “veins” in the drop….giving it the look of authenticity. It’s a marvelous piece that will work on so many Linea sweaters!………………PURPLE….the color of Kings and QUEENS……………………………………………………………………..

…………………..enjoy………….much Love……………………Louis