White LL1

………………………….There are many LINEA tops you can wear with this new BLUE/WHITE/BLACK ZIG ZAG knit skirt, and just a few of them are above. The PEASANT SHIRT, A254442, which is avail in BLACK and the BLUE above……Then the BLUE RAYON “T” with the sheer mesh sleeves, A253378, in the BLUE above, and WHITE is now on “last clicks”. It is a great top, and with all the sheer that is happening…it’s more “IN” now than when I first did it…..For all of you who say you won’t wear poly you should give thisĀ  “rayon” top a look see……To give the whole thing a more casual air I put the BLACK LINEA LEISURE HOODIE over it…..There are so many other tops you can wear such as the MOSS CREPE top in Black, A262453, the sleeveless cotton shirt in BLACK, A254311…..and on and on. So if you think a pattern skirt is limiting…..think of all the tops you already own to go with it!…………………………enjoy…………….much Love…………………Louis