This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. nyc1

    Congratulations on 2 fabulous shows. I caught some of both, and ordered a lot on line. Best of luck with your new jewelry collection. Any chance of watches?
    Louis, quick question about the jacket worn with the long gray 6 gore skirt. It looks like a gray suede (watching the presentation on line)… will it be in your next show and if yes, in how many colors? It is so gorgeous and classic. Love the length and everything about it. I own about a dozen (maybe more) of your suede jackets, and they are BEYOND GORGEOUS! Can’t wait for your next show, and better time slot.
    (P.S. I bought the 6 tier skirt in all 3 colors, the 1x only in black and olive, etc. The previous week, I bought shells, tanks, and the beautiful ribbed sweater in the pewter and black, a black jacket, etc.). OH MY!!!!

    1. louisdellolio

      Dear nyc1,
      I believe the gray jacket you are referring to is the woven gray chenille 2 button blazer. It is an amazing fabric and an amazing blazer. When I found this jewel of a fabric I did a happy dance :)….then I heard the price 🙁
      I said to myself, “Louis this is too good to pass up….this one is worth fighting for!” I convinced my manufacturer to make one sample and when the blazer came in….it looked exactly like what we will be selling….no changes necessary… we had to convince the buyers. They thought it was a sample I brought in…….the rest is history….The colors will be a deep dark purple that is going to look sensational with my new whisper knit purple turtleneck coming in Dec., which is slightly lighter and brighter….a nice contrast! The other two colors are the gray and taupe. They are both slight heather effect and are gorgeous. The problem is going to be which color to pick. This is one of those jackets you’ll want all three. It perfect for dress up or jeans.
      As far as suede is concerned….I have two coming. One is the reorder with the side buckles and will be avail in the Purple and the new Spruce Green, and the other is brand new. It is a combination of suede and rib knit…..used in an unusual way. The colors for the new jacket are Black and Aubergine. The quality of the suede is sumptuous.
      The jewelry collection is UP IN THE AIR!. I have no idea if it will continue after the pearls and Byzantine group. I guess if they do very very well the PTB will let me continue it, but one never knows.Enjoy all of your goodies.

  2. Sheesh

    Be still my heart!!!!!

  3. Nancy Eagleson

    Gorgeous!! Looking forward to the PEARLS!

  4. Marcia29

    These pics are the Wow! Spruce pearls, grey pearls, byzantine and gold…what a treat.

  5. Judi

    Absolutely stunning!!!!! This will be a real rush to the phones or PC’s!

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