Palm Jewelry9

The AQUA CREPE BLAZER, A221808, is making a return………..and how beautiful and cool it does look…………….The buttons are GOLD………I have paired the Aqua blazer with the new LATTE SHORT SLEEVE WK CARDIGAN, A253409, the new IVORY CREPE PANT, A253578, and the IVORY TANK, A237404……I will be showing the J288007, PEACOCK necklace with it. The idea came to me after the pictures were taken…..A single strand is the perfect finishing touch……..This is pure AMERICAN SPORTSWEAR…..MIX & MATCH………………….Now…..a word to the wise…..I have purposely shown the Aqua jacket with the new IVORY crepe pant because…………..my Aqua jacket sample is from last year when it was new. The NEW AQUA PANT that arrived is not a perfect match so I chose not to put them together. That is what typically happens when you dye a fabric, supposedly in the same color, from one year to the next. If the chemical formula is slightly different, if the humidity is different etc etc….the colors will come out slightly different…..However, if you are new to this jacket or want to pick up a new color,  and you buy the jacket and pant this season….they will more than likely match…..there are always dye lots to deal with but they should be within the tolerance allowed…………….That’s why I always say….when it matches….it’s a miracle…..This is something I have had to deal with my entire career….and from the best fabric mills in the world……………..The moral of this tale is….always have a BACK UP PLAN……..My back up plan is to have addition colors like the ivory, sand and pewter, which will all look fabulous with the AQUA jacket……and you all have BLACK. My WHITE JEANS and the WHITE ENR TANK, A253408, now being offered will look FABULOUS!………….. Again, if you buy both pieces this season you should have a good match…………….scroll down…………………………………………..enjoy…………………..much Love……………………………..Louis

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ivory blazer

There is nothing more GLAMOROUS….more OLD HOLLYWOOD…..than an IVORY CREPE JACKET. The Ivory was not reordered last year so it is making a welcome comeback. There are endless ways to wear an Ivory jacket….casually with jeans…………..or DRAMATICALLY……all IVORY from HEAD TO TOE…….a la Carol Lombard and Marlene Dietrich……………….and everything in between. I have chosen to show the Ivory Crepe blazer above with A BLACK COTTON sleeveless shirt….which is brand new and coming in May……It’s made out of the super light weight weight cotton/nylon/span, that up until now, has be used for prints only. With the black skirt I have the BLACK BOHO skirt. Around her neck the 18 inch LOVE KNOT NECKLACE, J270121….On her ear…the BOLD HOOP EARRING       in GOLD, J288005……The other example of how you can wear the jacket is with the LATTE  WK sweaters……in this case the classic cardigan, A233940 and the new LATTE WK SKIRT, A253411…..under it….the Ivory scoop neck short sleeve WK………………………IVORY & MOCHA MIST PEARLS, J264035 are the perfect compliment. Add the stud earring and the PEARL BRACELETS, J287998, in the “Sophisticated ” combination and you are complete. These are just two ways you can wear your Ivory crepe jacket…..add navy and gray and twig and a zillion other things you already own and this ivory jacket will be one of the most versatile pieces you own………..Remember…… this CREPE fabric is season-less, and your jacket can be worn all 4 seasons…

……………….scroll down…………………………………..enjoy………………………..much Love………………………………Louis



Palm Jewelry11

There are so many ways you will be able to wear your new PEWTER CREPE TROUSERS…..that you might want to have two pair………One way to wear the Pewter trouser, that I especially like, is with the reorder KIMONO WK CARDIGAN & the SLEEVELESS MOCK NECK WK sweater all in the new WHITE……………add the GREY FACETED BEAD NECKLACE and matching DROP EARRING, and you have an incredible look……………………………………..

…………………scroll down for more…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



crepe pant

How many ways can you wear AQUA CREPE PANTS?…..”let me count the ways”…………..Create your own color blocking….the way YOU like it…….WISTERIA and WHITE WK sweaters…..REMEMBER THE ENR TANK IS coming soon……..the V-NECK above is coming later…………………Wear it with you CRUSHED GAUZE ASYMMETRIC HEM TUNIC………….or very FRENCH………with the new BLACK & WHITE STRIPE WK “T”………………….Every time I see this BEAUTIFUL AQUA color I can’t help but  think of the Caribbean and the South Seas………………………The closest I’ve been to the South Seas is the …..Waterman’s South Sea Blue ink……..LOL……………………………..


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Palm Jewelry10

Every single time I offer LINED IVORY CREPE TROUSERS………..they sell out………………..What can’t you wear them with?………………Above, are just two of the many ways you can wear your new trousers. The GERANIUM PINK CARDIGAN and the SLEEVELESS V-NECK…….and the same set in the new …………..WISTERIA………………BOTH accessorized with the CLEAR GLASS FACETED BEAD NECKLACES and the matching drop earring. Some of you have mentioned that the drop is too long for you……….it is an EASY FIX. You can shorten them to any length you like………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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