FIVE EASY PAYS!!!!!& FREE SHIPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To all of my Linea Ladies…………I can not believe that EVERYTHING including the JEWELRY is on FIVE EASY PAYS TODAY ONLY & FREE SHIPPING on certain pieces!!!!! I don’t think in the fourteen years I have been associated with QVC I have ever seen them put every item on easy pay. This is an incredible offer, and I am happy they have offered it to you. I know there are certain pieces that you have been looking at, such as the PALM FROND SHORT NECKLACE, that are a little pricey, or something that you might have wanted to get in a second color…..what ever the reason you were  holding off…………today is the day to take advantage of the FIVE EZ PAY offer…………..WOW, that’s incredible………………enjoy….much Love……………..Louis

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Morning Everyone……..I want to give you an update on two items that will NOT get airtime during my two shows on June 5th……The Stained Glass print top in the poly/span, A255147 is being held for a separate airing [don’t have a date or time], and the  A255118, solid poly/span V-neck short sleeve T is getting a “Show and Mention” only…..which means the picture will be flashed on the screen, but no actual air time. I will however, be having a good SNEAK PEAK of the stained glass top on my 2:00am show…..both colors will be shown….and I will have the models wearing the poly/span T on my 5:00pm show for you to see….I will mention it when they have it on…….The poly T is already posted and the colors, black, white and sky blue, match the crushed georgette pieces………REMEMBER……….the front of the white is doubled……..I will trey to get them to post the Stained Glass top too……back to work for me…..

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