“View from a window”

snow 2016

………..Actually a few windows……The winter storm “Jonas” has passed and left a heck of a lot of snow behind. “They” were predicting 6 to 12 inches here in CT……..well we were four inches shy of two feet. I was too lazy, or so Jac told me, to go outside and take pictures…..so these are from different windows in the house. The high tides were not a fun thing to watch, but we were spared…..the water only came up to the beginning of the lawn at one end of the property so we fared well……..There is actually a picture of me during a NY snow storm, in the collage, that was taken by Bill Cunningham, a NY on the street photography….who is a legend……..Today is definitely the calm after the storm……It’s a brilliantly clear day……………..enjoy………much Love…………………Louis

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reorder pant

……………………Here they are!……The pant you have been waiting a year to return………… A262070 for the reg., and A262072 for the petite…….Please do not ask me to describe this TAUPE color…..it’s impossible to do. As you can see in the photos above I have paired the pant with the BLACK ENR WK TANK, A253408, which is a fabulous tank, and I’m quite surprised there are still some to be had……Along with the pant and tank the new TAUPE HOODIE, A270903. Are they a perfect match??? No, they are not. The hoodie is a heather color and the pant a solid so there will always be a difference….but they still IMHO look good together. Otherwise, the BLACK Linea Leisure pant has also come back into inventory and it too is readily avail…………..I happen to think the GUNMETAL LARIAT, J325469, and the GM BOLD HOOP, J288005 finish the look perfectly……When has casual wear looked so CHIC!…………………………enjoy………………….much Love………………..Louis