……………………That once in a year time has come when the air is filled with the intoxicating fragrance of LILACS……there is nothing like it……Jac had me plant a lilac bush where ever she could find a space. At every opportunity she would go and bury her face in the blooms and sigh…”come, come” she would say “Come and smell these beautiful flowers”………Every year I would say, “let me cut some and bring them in the house so you can smell them all day”. “No” she would say. “they belong out here, and I don’t want to hurt them”. How can you fight with that reasoning. Today they are in their glory. I can’t remember when they have been so lush. I would love to cut some and bring them in my office……but………”I don’t want to hurt them”.


I’m taking a POLL!

It seems that QVC is questioning,  with the presence of the Corona Virus, customers may not be interest in purchasing dressier clothes like the sequin pant and a new long sleeve V-neck slightly swing top with a straight hem…..My feeling is this virus isn’t going to last forever, and there will be a time of celebration especially with clothes that are timeless, and will last forever. It’s a fair question. What are your feelings about dressy Holiday clothes?

Continue Reading I’m taking a POLL!


…………………………The STATUS PRINT TUNIC, A378731, is my newest print top. This classic pattern is usually called a “status print”. These types of patterns have been printed on very expensive silk twill for scarves. Hermes first made them popular, and  anyone familiar with Hermes scarves knows they are extremely expensive and are considered a “status” thing to own and wear. Versace made them very popular also, and took them from the conservative status realm into the high fashion world…..They have just made a big statement on the most recent Versace runway……..My print is a wonderful combination of solid areas, Baroque swirls, Medallions, Zebra and Baby Leopard patterns…..The ENGINEERED layout of these elements contours and carves the body to create a slimming effect……”smoke and mirrors”. The colors are simple, black, white and shades of gold…The blackened areas at the side and the curved patterns help to create a “waist shape”. The V design at the top frames, and brings attention to the face. The fabric is my polyester/span that I have used for years. It has the hand of a silk jersey and GLIDES over the body without any cling. The top does have a slight shape. It has a flattering JEWEL neckline, LONG sleeves, and a STRAIGHT bottom….The size XXS is aprox. 29 inches long. As you all know who own this fabric….it is easy care and practically wash and wear. For trips it packs into nothing and comes out of the suitcase with nary a wrinkle………This is a top that can be enjoyed ALL YEAR LONG………I love the idea of accessorizing this subtle ANIMAL print with the new ELEPHANT PENDANT with the IVORY TABLETS, and the separate IVORY TABLET NECKLACE and the coordinating IVORY EARRING……This tunic is very CHIC, and looks 10 times more than the actual cost……That’s always a good thing!………………I hope you enjoy it……………….much Love……………………..Louis



………………………….The INDIA PINK ….. is the second color being offered in the Status Print tunic…..To be absolutely transparent this is more like a fuchsia and does not match the India Pink Shantung. Even though the print mill was given the India Pink as a standard they just couldn’t match it. As I have said the shantung dyes like no other fabric!….This India Pink is a very saturated color and has the same black, ivory and golds for the details. I have it shown with my white CAPRI pant A351410…….I have used the Sand Dollar Pendant, and the White Elephant Walk and Tablet pieces to accessorize……When everything calms down I think this would be perfect top to go out in, and have a wonderful dinner to celebrate!!!!!……………….enjoy……much Love………Louis