…………………I did not get up at 4am to watch the proceedings, but once I turned the TV on I was hooked…………..The pomp and circumstance was unbelievable……steeped in Royal splendor, an historic even that shouldn’t be missed.. I firmly believe we will never see the likes of this again….ever. There are many reasons for this. Firstly it is very very unlikely that there will ever be a British monarch that will reign as long as Elizabeth 11. A queen who rivaled all of her predecessors…….I doubt the money spent on this entire ceremony will ever be spent again. It has already been reported that King Charles has said his funeral will be much smaller…………All that said….this was an historical occasion…….I really did not think I would get emotional watching the proceedings……but…..there were moments that I was completely caught off guard…..Four that immediately come to mind were at the very end when the lone bagpiper, with his back to the camera, marched up the empty hallway and out of site……his music drifting off…I found this very poignant, and it brought tears to my eyes. I later learned this was requested by the Queen herself, and the bagpiper woke her every morning with this special song….When one of her long time most senior advisors, the Lord Chamberlain,  stood at the foot of the casket and broke the rod in two signalizing his duty, and her staffs duty had ended……it was so sad symbolizing an era over…..I wasn’t expecting to see the casket being lowered into the vault inside the Cathedral…..it was so final…so sad…The other was seeing Charles’ face when, at the very end, they played “God Save the King”. It was apparent that there were tears in his eyes…….He gave the expression, “a stiff upper lip” a knew meaning…..I took these pictures at the moment they were occurring so I would have these images so I would never forget what I saw and how I felt. Her reign is now a part of history.












………………………No country does it like the British……Just the different Cathedrals and Places alone, with their centuries of history, make it all magical…….The music, the moving of the casket from one location to another, the people lining the streets, and the procession was hypnotic…….The Stoic family, under millions of eyes was something to be valued….Everything was executed brilliantly……..The thousands of people showed their love for their Queen……….”The greater the love the greater the grief”.

Continue Reading “POMP & CIRCUMSTANCE”











……………………………Like many…….The Queen was Queen for my entire life…..that I can remember…….It’s very hard to lose such a presence in our lives for so long. It only makes us think about our own mortality………………..Rest In Peace……..be with Prince Phillip for all eternity.

Continue Reading “THE END OF THE ELIZABETH 11 ERA”











………………………..After a show I would receive many of these sheets of photos to look at and choose from. I would sit with a loop [an eye piece that magnified the individual shots]. We used these photos for publicity, and the Look Books…There is a photo at the upper right of Polly Mellow, the famous editor of Vogue Magazine, planting a kiss on my cheek……She loved the show and had to come backstage after the show to tell me.