……………With so many young adults graduating from High School this month….I can’t help but reflect on my High School years and the best friends I made……….BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!!……Jac took this photo at my home of Mary Bobby and me….I met Mary and Bobby in 7th grade at Elmont Memorial Jr. Highschool. We were 12 going on 13…..Mary and Bobby had been together in a different elementary school than I went to, because of where we lived……However, when we did meet, we became INSTANT FRIENDS, and our friendship lasted a lifetime……Bobby and I did so many things together…..We shared many FIRSTS in our lives…..My first Broadway show when we were 13 was with Bobby, [How to Succeed In Business Without Really Trying], and my first trip into NYC without my parents….just Bobby and me on busses and the subway for my first time…I have a very faded picture of us with Robert Moss at the stage door!….We shared out first cigarettes together at his Bar Mitzvah…[it was his idea!]…..My first trip to Europe was to visit Bobby in Sweden where he was studying…afterwards we took many trips together….Denmark, Alaska and Rio to name just a few….we shared our first apartments in NYC together, and summer houses….the trips, the parties and almost all of the special moments in my life were  shared with Bobby……We were brothers…..Mary and I first bonded over our mutual love of art. We were in many of the same art classes together…She was a terrific painter….Mary became my high school crush, and we dated throughout junior and senior high….You may recall a recent post of my senior prom with Mary, Bobby, his date Phyllis and me in the pictures…..In this photo we were going to one of our High School reunions. Mary had flown in from California where she moved to, and Bobby lived in NYC…..We met at my house, and then I drove us to the reunion……..We became even closer as friends as we got older….We knew more about life, and each other……When they both passed away within months of each other last year, it was very difficult for me to deal with. I didn’t have either one to commiserate with to express my grief……Jac was gone so I had no one who could understand the depth of my grief….Their passing left a huge whole in my heart……..as the saying goes……”Grief  never ends…..but it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay….Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith…..It is the price of love.””…….I know I will never in my life have BFF like them again………………Only my pictures and memories………BFF

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Angela from CA

    Oh Louis, I just love how you share the depth of your emotions with us through your posts. I am so sorry about the loss of your two dearest friends. It sounds like you were all kindred spirits whose paths in life crossed for a special reason. Memories are such a gift!

  2. Angela

    Oh Louis, I just love how you share the depth of your emotions with us through your posts. I am so sorry about the loss of your two dearest friends. It sounds like you were all kindred spirits whose paths in life crossed for a special reason. Memories are such a gift!

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