…………….HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY to my Mom and Dad in Heaven!………….They were married for 66 years!….They married on October 15th, 1938…..My parents knew each other from when they were young children….My mother was born in September of 1910, and my dad was born the following March of 1911 in Italy……Their dads came to America together from Italy on the same boat. They were from the same town, Bari on the south east coast …..When my grandfathers were established they brought the rest of their young families to America…..My dad pursued my mom relentlessly, but she wasn’t interested….She was having too good a time with her girlfriends…..She finally relented after her BFF, Nardi married her boyfriend Armond…..Nardi and my mother were both 28 when they married, which in those days was considered late. Most girls married at 17, 18, 19 or 21…..but not my mother and her friends…..they were enjoying their freedom, and were enjoying their independent lives…..When Nardi got married first, my mother was her Maid Of Honor. Then the girls started falling like dominos, and they all started saying YES to their boyfriends!…..When my mom got married Nardi was her Matron of Honor and Armond was my father’s best man. You can see my “Aunt Nardi” standing behind my mother, and my “Uncle Armond’s” head peeking out behind my father…..My parents both passed away when they were 94 within  a week and a half of each other. My mom died two days before Christmas Eve, and my dad passed away just after the New Year………Jac and I were visiting him, trying to convince him to come and stay with us, but he wanted to stay with his friends in his retirement village….He told us…..”your Mom’s calling me”…..I thought he was kidding as he always did…..I guess she was calling him…..He passed away in his sleep a few days later……His heart just gave out……..I like to think he gave it back to my Mom……….Happy Valentine’s Day to my sweet Jac…..and to  all of you lovers out there…..Give each other a big hug and a kiss.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Angela

    So sweet ❤️

  2. Donna from California

    Your parents were a handsome couple. I loved that your mom was a beautiful independent thinker.

    Jamie in Kentucky – I’m sending you a hug today. I know you need it because having a spouse with Alzheimer’s
    is incredibly difficult. I’ve been there. Donna from California

  3. Jamie Martin

    I loved hearing the story of your dear parents Louis. My husband has advanced Alzheimer’s and no longer knows me so I am sending hugs and love to everyone missing a a loved one today. Happy Valentines Day everyone!
    Jamie in Kentucky

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