This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Sandi Baney

    Louis, I love all of your designs, I bought so much of it when you were with AK. I work during the day, tape your shows and by the time I get home everything is gone. I loved so much of the 9/10 show, the tweed jackets and everything green and persimmon, please tell me they will be back in stock.

    Also do you have any plans to do a higher end line for the department stores at any time. Everything you do it so beautiful.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Sandi…what ever the Q buys is shipped for thye shows. There are no reorders possible as the factories are on a very tight schedule and are already into Spring 2013 production. I’m afraid it’s a one shot deal.

  2. Toni Fisher

    I bet it’s the topaz T-neck.

  3. Toni Fisher

    Dear Louis: I see an orange t-neck but it doesn’t look like the persimmon mock, will it be the regular WK turtleneck in orange? Thank you – the line is magnificent for Fall.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      It is WK but it isn’t orange at all….it’s more of a sienna, rust color. Very earthy.

      1. Toni Fisher

        Is this offered in Sept?

        1. Toni Fisher

          I LOVE it, I will order it immediately. Love Fall colors. Thanks Louis

  4. Sharon

    I’m so sorry but I have to make lists of things to buy and when they are available so these new pants, blouse and cardigan are available and do they have numbers yet . THANK-YOU AGAIN

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      They won’t be avail. until the Sept show on the 10th. I will have sneak peeks of everything with the style numbers.

      1. Carol B

        Any other color beside tarragon?

  5. morganjen

    Will the WK pants be in numbered sizes?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      SML, not sized, and they really do not have to be. They are very stretchy and have a full elastic waist. I would say to get the size you would get in any SML pant. DO not size up. You do not want the waist band to be big.

  6. Louis Dell'Olio

    ALL NEW…..It’s the Tarragon cardigan, the WK pant in Tarragon and a new shirt in a Tarragon crepe with removable streamer ties.

    1. Sharon Santourian-Holman

      I took a triple take at that streamer shirt!! Wow, that is so different, love it. That’s a great outfit.

  7. Sharon

    Oh Louis you made a fabulous jacket but my question is in this picture there is a small picture of pants cardigan and what looks like a blouse with a bib affect. Would this be new items or last season?

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