WK scarf7

………….BALTIC BLUE……is a wonderful new color. Sometimes, when the light is just right, the Caribbean sea can take on this clean….clear color….. The deeper blue for the deep water…the paler blue as the water gets shallower nearer to the shore. The color glows. I have it simply worn with my Black Ponte pant, A237394, returning this month. I know there are many of you who have been waiting for this very successful pant to make a return…..Two strands of the Peacock spaced bead necklaces, J288007, finish the look. I know you are going to love this new BLUE……………………………..enjoy………..much Love……………Louis

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Sharon Santourian Holman

    I just thought, I have the petrol blue WK maxi skirt…I’m thinking this would be tonal match, yes?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Sharon they look great together…..you can wear it right now with black boots.

      1. Sharon Santourian Holman

        Perfect! It’s just a stunning piece.

  2. Barbara C

    Is the light color in the print ivory? Could you wear it with white jeans? Thanks.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      I say…yes….though the medallions are more ivory than stark white…so off white would be better.

  3. victoria1

    All of my Jacques C necklaces have found a home …I love a print and these N Particular over jeans and white cotton pants… And your beige slacks from sev seasons ago

  4. Teri

    Hmm… This one is growing on me rapidly. This blue looks like my first step into spring. I can see it with gray. I wonder if the medallions will be a match for ivory, with bone-colored stone beads. I am long waisted, and if this is long enough not to swing out in the wrong place, I will be home to me. Thanks again, Louis.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Teri….I think that is going to be the case with many of the women. A print sometimes takes a second and third look to see if it’s for you. The print definitely has an ethnic vibe and yes it can be worn with bone or ivory for sure. I have no worries that the bottom will flare out too much. This fabric drapes beautifully and will not stick out. The placement of the medallions is very flattering on.

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