MORE PHOTOS OF THE GOLDEN BROWN [AMBER] PIECES…………………….enjoy………much Love ……………………..Louis

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Sherry

    Hey there, don’t know if I missed it; but what is that little flippy paisley skirt in the upper left hand corner? Cute!!!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      You didn’t miss it…..it’s a sneak peek of something coming in JUNE!. I decided to show it early so “you” can see what the caramel shell will be going with.

  2. Bcm

    Thank you. Since I have the stone shell – which color in the jewelry do you suggest will work best?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Bcm…..either one…..in this case, it is not the stone shell that matters….it totally depends on what you are wearing the stone shell with……..if you are wearing it with pieces that look better with the olive jewelry than the olive would work better. The stone is neutral enough to work with both. If you are wearing the stone shell with brown pants and a russet belt, than the amber would blend nicely………so it really is the OTHER pieces that you want to coordinate with the jewelry.

  3. Bcm

    Hi Louis,

    The new jewelry is beautiful. Are the amber pieces shown with the caramel tweed shell? I have the original stone and I love it. Thanks.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Bcm….yes that is the new caramel tweed shell.

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