April Sneak Peek #6, comprises of four new jewelry pieces……….J278132, is the GRADUATED OVAL BEAD NECKLACE…..approx.25 inches long with a 3 inch extender. This necklace has graduated oval beads that overlay each other. At both ends is a series of small round matching beads to the lobster claw closing …….J278131, the FLAT ROUND BEAD ENDLESS NECKLACE, is approx. 52 inches long. In between each flat round bead is a matching small round spacer bead. There is no opening on this necklace and can be worn either at it’s full length, or doubled……….The OVAL BEAD DROP EARRING, J278133, pierced only, consists of a larger oval bead and small round beads at the top. It is approx 1 7/8 inches long…………….J278134, is the CRESCENT STRETCH BRACELET, It consists of a series of crescent shaped beads with round spacer beads in between each crescent…………………………………The colors for the two necklaces , and earring are…………….OLIVE…..&…..GOLDEN BROWN……..which I call AMBER, so if you want the AMBER you have to order the Golden Brown. Above are photographs of the olive choices. The actual beads are TRANSLUCENT, not transparent or opaque, which gives them the look of dyed bone. There is also a wonderful mottling effect in the material [resin], which gives each bead its own character.. Of course, I love the necklaces worn together and mixed with other necklaces, but that is my taste. Individually they are all unique and stand alone. The CRESCENT cuff is avail. in the OLIVE …..GOLDEN BROWN [AMBER] and an additional color…………..BEIGE………which is a natural color with wonderful dark markings…………….For those of you who love the look of NATURAL beads, such as Bone, Horn and wood, I know you will love these pieces. They are a wonderful combination of ETHNIC and MODERN………..scroll down for more pictures……………………..enjoy…..much Love…..Louis

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April Sneak Peek # 6, are photos of the four new jewelry pieces in the GOLDEN BROWN coloration, or as I prefer to call them……….AMBER. There is also a photo of my ROSE GOLD watch that I think works perfectly with this AMBER group of jewelry………………J278134, the Crescent bracelet, J278133, the Earring, J278132, The Oval necklace and J278131, the ENDLESS round bead necklace…………..scroll down for more pictures……………………………………………….enjoy……….much Love………Louis

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April Sneak Peek # 6, is the CRESCENT BRACELET, J278134………………..the colors………..OLIVE…….. BEIGE…………GOLDEN BROWN [Amber]………. The bracelet is approx. 3 inched wide and creates a MAJOR STATEMENT. If you like big bold bracelets……which are not easy to find…………you will love this……….scroll down for more pictures!………..enjoy………..much…Love……..Louis

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