If you were one who was waiting for this necklace to be posted….IT’S NOW AVAILABLE!!!! Do not be confused because it says Blue/Gunmetal….it’s the same thing. I guess Caneel Blue/Gunmetal was too long to fit into the space. It’s a beautiful necklace in every color!……………….enjoy………………much Love…………………………..Louis


“ANNABEL, June 2008-May 2018”

………………..It is with a very heavy heart that I have to bring you this terrible news today. Late in the evening of May 4th I had to put my beautiful Annie to sleep. Annie has been suffering from kidney problems for quite a while, and with medication Dr. Paul, my wonderful vet, managed to keep it under control. For the last few months, since Jac’s passing, she has been getting worse and worse. When I came home from my last trip to the Q on May 4th, Lou my dog sitter, told me Annie wasn’t doing well. I called Dr. Paul and he came over at around 9:30 PM on Friday night. He told me that she was now in total distress, and we should put an end to her suffering. I know I don’t have to tell you what this news did to me. Sitting in my kitchen, I held her in my arms. She looked at me with those sweet soulful eyes as if to say “Daddy what’s happening to me?” My heart was breaking… Dr Paul administered the drugs that would stop her sweet heart. I know we aren’t supposed to have favorite children or pets, but I know without Jac ever saying it, that Annie had a special place in her heart. Annie was a little eccentric, actually a lot eccentric. She loved socks. They were her babies, and she would walk around the house with a sock hanging from her mouth. It always made us laugh! She had quite a collection. When Teresa would clean the house she would gather Annie’s socks that Annie would drop here and there, and put them in Annie’s bed. She had quite a collection. Annie would give Teresa a look like “get your cotton pickin’ hand off my socks”. When Teresa would leave for the day Annie would go to her bed and whine until Jac took all the socks out and scattered them around….then she was happy. Annie was also a finicky eater, unlike Lili and Sammy. Jac had a morning ritual and would sit on the kitchen floor and hand feed her until she was done. When Jac passed, this finicky behavior stopped and Annie, like the others, would go to her bowl and eat. She knew Jac wasn’t there to spoil her anymore. I came to realize that she wasn’t a finicky eater….she just wanted all of Jac’s attention…..Now, she has left my arms, and is in Jac’s arms where she always wanted to be. She went to her Mommy to be with Jac for her Birthday. I believe this was no accident that Annie left to be with Jac on the eve of Jac’s Birthday and to celebrate with her Mommy………Losing Annie has been very difficult for me. It’s like losing Jac all over again. My little family is getting smaller and smaller………………………………I know my Jac was there to greet our Annie with open loving arms as Jac’s Mom was there for Jac……………………………………………………………………………………….

Continue Reading “ANNABEL, June 2008-May 2018”


…………………………………………………Happy Birthday to my Baby……………………………….May 5th, 2018

……………………I will love you for all eternity……….”over the moon and beyond the Milky Way”….

…………………all our LOVE forever………your Lou…………Annie……..Lili……….and Sammy……………….