“ANNABEL, June 2008-May 2018”

………………..It is with a very heavy heart that I have to bring you this terrible news today. Late in the evening of May 4th I had to put my beautiful Annie to sleep. Annie has been suffering from kidney problems for quite a while, and with medication Dr. Paul, my wonderful vet, managed to keep it under control. For the last few months, since Jac’s passing, she has been getting worse and worse. When I came home from my last trip to the Q on May 4th, Lou my dog sitter, told me Annie wasn’t doing well. I called Dr. Paul and he came over at around 9:30 PM on Friday night. He told me that she was now in total distress, and we should put an end to her suffering. I know I don’t have to tell you what this news did to me. Sitting in my kitchen, I held her in my arms. She looked at me with those sweet soulful eyes as if to say “Daddy what’s happening to me?” My heart was breaking… Dr Paul administered the drugs that would stop her sweet heart. I know we aren’t supposed to have favorite children or pets, but I know without Jac ever saying it, that Annie had a special place in her heart. Annie was a little eccentric, actually a lot eccentric. She loved socks. They were her babies, and she would walk around the house with a sock hanging from her mouth. It always made us laugh! She had quite a collection. When Teresa would clean the house she would gather Annie’s socks that Annie would drop here and there, and put them in Annie’s bed. She had quite a collection. Annie would give Teresa a look like “get your cotton pickin’ hand off my socks”. When Teresa would leave for the day Annie would go to her bed and whine until Jac took all the socks out and scattered them around….then she was happy. Annie was also a finicky eater, unlike Lili and Sammy. Jac had a morning ritual and would sit on the kitchen floor and hand feed her until she was done. When Jac passed, this finicky behavior stopped and Annie, like the others, would go to her bowl and eat. She knew Jac wasn’t there to spoil her anymore. I came to realize that she wasn’t a finicky eater….she just wanted all of Jac’s attention…..Now, she has left my arms, and is in Jac’s arms where she always wanted to be. She went to her Mommy to be with Jac for her Birthday. I believe this was no accident that Annie left to be with Jac on the eve of Jac’s Birthday and to celebrate with her Mommy………Losing Annie has been very difficult for me. It’s like losing Jac all over again. My little family is getting smaller and smaller………………………………I know my Jac was there to greet our Annie with open loving arms as Jac’s Mom was there for Jac……………………………………………………………………………………….

This Post Has 49 Comments

  1. Sammy from TX

    I am so sorry Louis. I know this is so hard on you. Losing a dog is really hard and I heard a study recently that said some people grieve harder for their dog then even some people in the family. I thought it was a silly study because any one who has every lost their furry companion could have told you that. I will have you in my prayers once again. Sincerely, Samantha

  2. morganjen

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Pets are like family. I agree that she is with Jac now.

  3. Janey

    My heart is very heavy for you after reading this. I know how much my two “boys” mean to me and dread that time when they will no longer be here. All we can do is enjoy all the time we have with our fur babies, give them love and always appreciate them. One of my dogs constantly licks carpets, rugs and furniture – he “cleans” all the time and does not like to be stopped. Now your Annie has gone to be with her mummy and hopefully lots of socks!! Keep strong Louis, your other girls need you. Love Janey

  4. Enjay

    Louis, I’m so sorry for the loss of beautiful Annie. We lost one of our darling doggies last week – so I’m sharing the same heartbreak I know you’re feeling. I loved your story of Annie’s eccentricities and her special closeness to Jac. Although deeply sad, how fitting that Annie slipped away to be with Jac on her birthday.

  5. Barbara in Virginia

    Oh Louis, I am truly sorry to see this. Part of my heart and soul always leaves with them whenever we lose one of our furry family members. But they all have given me so much that I am always richer for having had them. I somehow feel that Annie went to be with Jac on her birthday and a new birth for Annie as well. Ray also sends his condolences. XXOO

  6. Chris/Jazzmom

    Louis, I am so sorry to read about Annie. She is at peace now, having all of Jac’s attention. Pets are family.

    Hugs to you.

  7. Frieda

    Louis, I am so sorry for yet another heartbreaking loss. Our loving animals find a way to capture our hearts and give us comfort and joy, and their loss is so painful. I is all so very difficult, but you are an example like Ruth said feeling your pain, expressing your emotions and moving on through grace.

  8. Sheesh

    Oh, Louis, so sorry to hear this dreadful news. I am confident that Annie is with Jac, so please take some solace from that.


  9. Donna Aflague

    Dear Louis,
    I am so sorry you had to endure another loss. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been to say goodbye. I love animals – especially my dogs. Loosing one always breaks my heart. Like you and so many others, I believe we will be reunited with everyone we loved, including our pets, when we pass to the other side.
    Thinking of you…
    Donna from California

  10. sharon

    Dear Louis,

    I too lost my beloved dog, Lola Belle, on the same day that you lost Annie. She had kidney disease and heart disease. Both diseases had progressed, and they could no longer treat one without making the other worse. We made the best decision to peacefully end her suffering. It was at home, on a blanket under a shade tree. Lola was a mixed breed rescue, and she was black like your beloved Annie. Black dogs are the last to be adopted, which is so sad. Your Annie was so beautiful, and so was my Lola. I understand your loss. These babies give us so much…words cannot fully describe the joy, comfort, understanding, and unconditional love they give us. I am forever grateful to our Father through Jesus for them. I am thankful that you and Jac gave Annie such a wonderful, loving home. She was blessed by you, and you were blessed by her. I will pray for your comfort and peace.


    Dear Louis, I’m so very sorry to hear this sad news about Annie. Dogs are our companion animals in a very special way; they give back more than we can ever give them, sense our moods and even when we are ill, try to help us, and love us unconditionally through everything. Their lives are so short, and if we love them the way that you love yours, and especially one that was so dear to Jac, the pain when their time is up is a terrible thing. Even Pope Francis has said that all dogs go to heaven, so be comforted in the knowledge that Annie is with Jac & being hand fed whatever heavenly dogs eat once again, and surely very happy, free of pain along with her beloved mistress.

  12. Jennifer

    Our fur babies are real members of our families… The joy and unconditional love they bring can’t be measured… Thinking of you, Louis.

  13. Jen

    Louis, I am so very sorry for your loss. Our pets become our family and I too know how hard it is to lose one. My mom had a Scottie and when he passed she was devastated. I know what a special breed a Scottie is. Please know that I am thinking of you in your time of loss.

  14. Cathy in PA

    Oh, dear Louis, we are so sorry for the loss of your dear little scotty dog. Their charm and antics have brought me much joy through your posts and photos over the years. I’m glad Jac was waiting for Annie, and grieve with you on this new loss. Our animal friends are true family. Please take care and know you have our love and support.

    Cathy & Walter

  15. Bernadette


    I’m so so sorry. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Our fur babies are so special and they hold a special place in our hearts for all time.


  16. Mary

    I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose a dear pet. Our fur babies are part of our families but she is not suffering anymore. I am sure she crossed the bridge and was greeted by Jac and her other furry siblings.

  17. Karen in WI

    Dearest Louis, my deepest sympathies for Annie’s passing. I don’t know why hard times seem to multiply sometimes. I can understand how it would trigger your grief, as if anew. I am praying that you will find comfort and peace. Big hugs and lots of love to you.

  18. Rebecca

    Oh dear Louis – there really aren’t words to describe how very sorry I am to read this. Please accept my sincere sympathies, and try and take comfort knowing that Jac and Annie are together again. Losing a fur baby is excruciating; I know from experience this is true. You will be with Annie and Jac again someday – what a wonderful moment to look forward to! In the meantime, give extra love to your babies….you all will be together again. Love and prayers being sent to you and your girls.

  19. Elaine

    So sad to heard of the loss of your sweet Annabell.
    How did you decide on the names of your little darlings?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Jac picked the names for Annabel and Lilibeth, which is Queen Elizabeth’s real name. I don’t remember who picked Samantha’s name, but it’s very fitting. She’s the cutest hellion!

  20. Suellen

    Dear Louis, we’re all keeping you in our prayers as you remember your precious Annie and the special joy and blessings that she brought to you and Jac. May it give you some peace of mind and heart to know that you gave her a wonderful, happy life, and the gift of a loving and peaceful release.

  21. Dawn


    I opened up your blog this afternoon to read updates. There are times I’m at a loss for words and have a hard time replying to your sentimental posts. I know that it must have been a hard day on Jac’s birthday and hope you were able to do something that Jac would have enjoyed.

    I am so sorry to read about Annabel. I read your post a few weeks ago when you commented about her ongoing health issue. I’ve lost 3 dogs and 1 cat since 2010 and it’s never easy. Any real animal lover wants their furbabies to live forever. I will not put my wants over their needs and let them linger in pain. You did the right thing even though I know how hard it must have been for you.

    Annie is now in peace and in Jac’s arms and together they will watch over you and the Girls.


  22. CarlyTwila (aka Susan)

    Dear Louis,
    I am so sorry to hear about Annie. Lily and Sammy will need your help more than ever now. We are all grieving with you.

  23. jackie

    It is very hard to say goodbye. I speak to my pets all day and they give me something to “mother” plus they are great company especially in the evening. I have had to face the same situation several times over the years. I was always comforted in how stress free and calming a good vet can make a difficult situation. My pets were relaxed but after it was over, I fell apart. I am grateful for all the joy I received while I had them. This is one more reminder how time stops for nothing – except Jac and Annie will have an eternal game of playing with an endless supply of socks!

  24. cancun08

    Louis, my heart aches for you on the loss of your precious Annie. Jac is holding her now. God bless.

  25. Marla Reames

    Dear Louis, I am so sorry for your loss. I found a copy of the poem “The Rainbow Bridge” for you. I hope it gives you as much comfort as it gave my husband and me when we had to go through the same painful time as you https://rainbowbridge.org/ Much love and prayers for you. (I hope this link works. You may need to copy and paste into another webpage.) Marla

  26. Caroline

    So hard to say goodbye even when it is the right thing do. Sending virtual hugs.

  27. InStitches49

    Our fur babies are a very special part of our family life, and losing one is so hard even when your heart knows that it is for the best. We’ve had to do this with more than one dog and even one cat over the years. Now your sweet angel Jac has one of her girls to keep her company in heaven, and that to me is a truly happy picture to envision. God bless you!

  28. Judi

    As sad as this is, it was meant to be on Jac’s birthday. I literally got goose bumps realizing the surreal coincidence.
    Beautiful Annabelle, beautiful Jac…they are together again.
    This must be terribly hard for you.
    Peace and comfort always-

  29. Karen in WA

    I Definitely believe our pets go to heaven with us. Rest assured she is with Jac. When I “go” there will be lots of cats waiting for me.

  30. Seka

    Louis, I am so very sorry for your loss. I too believe that Annie and Jac are together once again!

  31. queendiva

    What a stunning photo of your darling Annabelle!
    There can be no doubt that Annie and Jac brought great joy and peace to each other in heaven on the eve of Jac’s first birthday there. Two beautiful, loving souls reunited for all eternity.
    So very sorry for your loss, Louis.

  32. By the C

    Feel the same way. Just had to euthanize 2 within weeks of each other. Thinking too of my shrinking little family. But like me, you did what you had to do—stop her suffering. That’s what you do for love. Knowing she’s with your Angel will help. Give extra love to the others as you all grieve—it will help you all. I am heartbroken for you. Maybe plant something near Jac’s tree for Annabel? I am so very sorry.

  33. Goldie76

    I am so, so sorry to read about Annie. Oh, Louis, sometimes life takes us through much. Bless you.

  34. Pam

    Dear Louis,

    I am so sorry – heartbroken – to learn of the loss of your dear pup, Annie. Those of us who have lost precious pups or other beloved pet understand your grief, and I’m certain that those who have never had a pet understand, as well. I do believe they are with us in the afterlife, so Jac is now enjoying hugs and kisses from Annie.



  35. Celia

    Dear Louis,

    I am so sorry for the world of suffering this loss brings you. It’s been wave upon wave. I am holding you in my thoughts and prayers.

  36. Ceiei

    Louis, my Cairn also had kidney problems. We also had to make that difficult decision, but we knew it was time. I also believe as you do that
    Annabel is with Jac. Know that my thoughts are with you. Be well.

  37. Ruth

    Dear Louis,
    My heart resonates with your experience of love and, now sorrow. My beloved Bichon had kidney problems the last few years of his life. He lived comfortably with a special diet and daily trips to the vet for fluid infusions. When he finally collapsed I knew it was time to help him pass into comfort as you did with Annabel. I truly feel for you and the impact of so much loss in so short a time. You are an inspiration of the perfect balance of feeling your feelings, expressing your emotions and carrying on with grace and strength. I continue to pray for you.
    Believing God for you,

  38. luvitorleaveit

    Oh Louis, my condolences I have been through the same thing so I know it was very difficult. Just think about Annabel free of pain and illness running around with Jac.

  39. Grace

    Oh, Louis, my heart breaks for you–I am so very sorry. Too much to bear in too short a time. That Annie is at peace with Jac is a comfort and how it was meant to be. Now Lili and Sammy need you more than ever. Take extra care of yourself. Hugs and love…Grace

  40. Jane J.

    Oh, Louis, I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Annie. I know all too well how hard it is to lose a loved pet. After I had had to put one of my dogs to sleep, a friend told me that that is the last kind and loving thing we can do for the pet we love — to take away their pain and suffering. I have had to do this a number of times through the years and it doesn’t get any easier. Sending you loving and peaceful thoughts.

  41. Nancy law

    Dear Louis, my sincere condolences on the loss of Annie. There are no coincidences here, Jac and Annie are together again. I hope you can take some comfort in that thought. Warm hugs- Nancy

  42. Claudia

    I am so very sorry to read of Annie’s passing. You, Lili, and Sammy must miss her terribly. Of course she is with Jac and is carrying a sock. I still remember Jac’s very kind message to me several years ago when we had to put our Gt. Pyr Sammy to sleep.

  43. Somersault

    Louis, my heart breaks for you. What a wonderful vet you have that he would come to your home. As sad as this is, there was comfort for Annie that she was home and in your loving arms when she left your arms to go to Jac’s arms. Sadness knows no bounds. xoxoxo Cat

  44. Melissa W

    Oh Louis. I am now crying…

    As a dog lover (my dogs are my babies) and knowing how much Annie meant to you and Jac, my heart breaks for you, again. Sounds like Annie was quite the character. Such a beautiful picture of her. I am so so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how heart wrenching this was for you. I am glad she waited for your return though, so she could pass peacefully in your arms. And now she is in Jac’s arms again.

    I must say though, the timing of this gave me chills. This was no accident. Jac wanted her baby up in heaven with her on her birthday, knowing you still had Lili and Sammy to keep you company and hopefully bring you some comfort.

    Lots of hugs to you Louis,
    Melissa W

  45. Sylvia

    So very sorry to hear of the loss of your dear Annie… I do believe she is with Jac. Hopefully there are socks for her in Heaven… I also have a sock hoarder! My granddog Elwood ( a yellow lab) is living with us right now, and he gathers my husband’s socks. He used to chew on them when he was a puppy, but now he collects them.

  46. designista

    Oh Louis, I have no words, only tears. Jac and the departed love of my life share the same birthday. I hope it was a joyful day for both of them.

  47. Deirdre

    Louis, I am so sorry for this additional loss. I know how hard it was for you to let go of dear Annabel, but she counted on you to end her suffering. She is at peace. Take extra care with Lili and Sammy. They are grieving too.

  48. Ginny

    Dear Louis, I am so sorry to hear about Annie’s passing. I went through something very similar with my sweet fur baby Mia exactly one year ago. I still think about her and miss her every day. I do believe Anne is with Jac and they are happy to be together. I’m sure Lili and Sammy will help you get through this very sad time. Please take care of yourself.

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