……………………….CYPRESS/LINEN is the name of the second color combination. The colors were chosen from the Cypress Linea Leisure pull-on pants A262070, and the Linen crop Ponte pant A302601, also avail in petite, shown above…..Of course there are many other bottom colors that can be worn. It works with many of my Olive pants too…………………The new BEACH GLASS NECKLACE and EARRING SET, J354366 works perfectly…………….I layered two…..I just like abundance!………………enjoy………………..much Love………………..Louis



……………………………..WALNUT/COPPER is the third and final color combination being offered……….Walnut is a very very dark brown. I call these colors blackened. The “copper” is a rich sienna color, and will work perfectly with all of you copper and copper ox jewelry you have been collecting from Linea. Above, is the brand new Lariat/Bolo necklace and earring set in copper with brown and copper cords and chain, J357121. The “Y” metal piece is actually a slide, and you can adjust how close to the neck you want to wear it depending on the top you have on…..For instance it you are wearing a classic button down shirt with jeans, you may want it up close to the collar stand, as a man would wear a tie…..For the pant I have chosen the new WALNUT JEAN CUT PANT in the cotton/rayon/span, A341741/A341742……….Out of all the combinations the Walnut/Copper is the darkest, and perfect for transitioning into Fall…………..enjoy…………….much Love………..Louis


“Thank You”

………………I want to thank all of you for thinking of me on my Birthday……..I truly appreciate all of your good wishes……This birthday was a milestone and a hurdle in so many ways. This was a biggie, but it’s only a number…..right?…….Going through this one without my Jac was very overwhelming for me, and it still is…….every day is a new hurdle….something I must jump with a very heavy heart……..It was Jac and my tradition to buy each other an ice cream birthday cake each year. We both liked the same one…..chocolate chocolate chip with cookies and cream and extra chocolate crunch in between the layers. Vanilla ice cream on top with whipped cream, and again, extra crunch. Steve, who owns the ice cream shop, would recognize our voices and new exactly what we wanted. We had been going to his parlor, “Sweet Ashley’s” named after his daughter, for many many years. Last May when I ordered Jac’s cake, he gave me a big HELLO, and asked how my lovely wife was. I had to sadly give him the news………He cried………So now I will keep up the tradition for as long as I can, or as long as Steve keeps the shop open. This year I put all the names of our babies on the cake, so we could all celebrate together…………Again, thank you so much for thinking of me…………………..much Love……………………Louis

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Just a reminder……I will be on Jayne’s Closet tomorrow at Noon. Celebrating her 20th anniversary! I will be featuring the new OMBRÉ PRINT TOP……..Then I will be on QVC for an hour show, again with Jayne at 2:00pm, QVC1…..lots of new and many sneak peeks!…….hope to see you!………..much Love………Louis

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………………………..July is the month, in the fashion world, that we officially leave summer behind. We start introducing clothes for “transition”. Transition clothes are the clothes you start to wear in late summer [when the weights are appropriate] into September, Oct, November right into next Spring.

……………………….The OMBRE PRINT, above, A341740, offers a new twist to “Ombre”. The normal ombre doesn’t usually have a distinct designed pattern, and the ombre goes from light to dark, or dark to light in a vertical gradation……meaning light at the top and dark at the bottom or visa versa. The print above is primarily a PATTERN with the ombre or gradation of light to dark emanating  from the CENTER darkening to right and to the left……a HORIZONTAL ombre. The darkest colors are at the side of the body and the sleeves. Naturally, this gives a very slenderizing effect. The center starts with Caramel, Sienna and rust colors blending to moss and dark olive to one side, and browns to the other side. Caramel will be an important color going forward……..This is a PLACEMENT PRINT. The center color will always be the center color on all sizes……The fabric is my poly/span jersey that I have used for years, and continues to be a Linea Ladies favorite. It is the same fabric as my very popular ombre tunic, and the new Island Floral maxi dress. This is a fabric that has been developed and printed outside of China. It is a very fine fiber, and the screens are very fine and delicate. All combined this makes for a superb result…..Why do we bother to do this? because we can not achieve the same result with the mills in China, not that they are bad, but just not as good for certain items. It costs a little more doing it outside of the country, but I think well worth it…….The top has a modest V-neck, long sleeves and is a classic fitting top with a straight bottom. XXS through 3x are the sizes avail….The top in the XXS is approx. 25 1/2 inches long…..I’m not sure why the color name of the print is Walnut/Dk. Khaki, but that is what it is…I would have chosen Walnut/Sienna/Olive………..I chose the dark olive Crepe Gauze pull-on pant for the bottom, A302597. This color pant always seems to come in handy! Dark chocolate pants will be perfect too……and caramel, hint hint hint…………..To accessorize I have used the new Beach Glass colors of FERN, and CANTALOUPE, J354366……..The colors are so perfect they blend right into the print…………As all garments made in this fabric, it is easy care and easy to pack for all the trips you may have planned……………There is still a lot of summer ahead….but the days seem to be going by quicker and quicker…………..Jac and I always said, “after the 4th it’s a quick slide to September”…………..This top will be featured July 20th at noon, on Jayne’s Closet……………………………enjoy………………..much Love……………………………Louis