“Thank You”

………………I want to thank all of you for thinking of me on my Birthday……..I truly appreciate all of your good wishes……This birthday was a milestone and a hurdle in so many ways. This was a biggie, but it’s only a number…..right?…….Going through this one without my Jac was very overwhelming for me, and it still is…….every day is a new hurdle….something I must jump with a very heavy heart……..It was Jac and my tradition to buy each other an ice cream birthday cake each year. We both liked the same one…..chocolate chocolate chip with cookies and cream and extra chocolate crunch in between the layers. Vanilla ice cream on top with whipped cream, and again, extra crunch. Steve, who owns the ice cream shop, would recognize our voices and new exactly what we wanted. We had been going to his parlor, “Sweet Ashley’s” named after his daughter, for many many years. Last May when I ordered Jac’s cake, he gave me a big HELLO, and asked how my lovely wife was. I had to sadly give him the news………He cried………So now I will keep up the tradition for as long as I can, or as long as Steve keeps the shop open. This year I put all the names of our babies on the cake, so we could all celebrate together…………Again, thank you so much for thinking of me…………………..much Love……………………Louis

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Marie M

    Louis, A very belated Birthday to you, I thought of you on your actual birthday but got distracted and didn’t write. Many years ago I shared that you and my mother shared the same birthdate, and for me it will always be an important date. Just as my mother lives in my heart, I know Jac lives in yours. As life adds challenges, I have tried to remember that each day is precious. I can suggest that you challenge yourself each day, as I now do, to find something beautiful or special to savor. My joys are sometimes as simple as a beautiful blue sky, or as complicated as seeing family likenesses in the next generation. The sight of a cardinal bird, my mother’s favorite, never fails to make me smile and think of her. I think the greatest honor is to not be forgotten. You honor Jac with each memory, whether it be planting the pansy pots or ordering an ice cream cake. I wish you many more birthdays and many happy memories. Classic Ms.

  2. Sammy from TX

    Happy Birthday (a little late)! I am sorry I didn’t see this right away. I am just so busy being a primary clinician in my last year of naturopathic medical school. I am sorry you didn’t have Jac to celebrate with you this year.

  3. TourEiffel

    Happy happy milestone birthday, Louis, a few days late!! Such a wonderful birthday tradition that you and Jac celebrated. Delighted you have continued the tradition and shared it with us. We love you!!

  4. Pamela in Anchorage

    Happy belated Birthday Dear Louis – Cheers to many, many more. Stay busy & find the joys in this Life wherever you can! I saw a big bull moose today; he was huge & regal. Everyday I open my enter the World that lies outside my safe haven; I know God exists.

    1. Jane J.

      Pamela — So glad to see your post! I’ve been looking for a post from you to tell you that back in April 2013 you posted here about the WK fiesta colors and how much you love them (so do I) and also wrote this: “dreaming of planting the window flower boxes of my potter’s shed with “Pretty Much Picasso” petunias (purple w/lime green) when Spring finally comes to Alaska!” I had never heard of those petunias back then, but looked them up and have planted them every year since. They are spectacular! Thank you so much.

    2. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Pamela….how wonderful. You never know what gift you will receive each day.

  5. Jennifer

    YUMMMMMMMMMM! That cake looks divine! Did you have to describe it in such glorious detail?!!! Now, I’m craving icecream cake! LOL! I hope you had a wonderful birthday…Love it that all your “loves” names are on the cake. Such a beautiful tradition.

  6. Jen

    Louis Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day! The cake is beautiful! Thinking of you always…

  7. Donna

    Sending positive vibes and warm birthday wishes your way.

  8. Elaine

    Hello Louis,
    Your birthday ice cream cake looks delicious and “right up my alley”! Hope you enjoyed every bite.

    One of Jac’s posting several years back was about a birthday cruise she planned for you out of NY Harbor, it was hilarious and sounded like a blast. Loved her stories.

    Keeping up the traditions we shared keeps those we love near to us.
    We’ll celebrate our anniversary on Thursday, our tradition is Champagne and Potato Chips! And of course, I’ll be wearing Linea.

    1. Louis DellOlio

      Elaine that was my 40th birthday. A cruise around Manhattan in a thunderstorm….we had a blast!

      1. Elaine

        I’m been trying to remember the story more clearly….when the weather got really bad and your Mother was concerned Jac told her that the Captain had everything was under control…your Mother responded…but Louis doesn’t know anything about sailing. I chuckled for days at that.
        Still laughing…wishing you many happy days.

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          Hi Elaine, actually it was Jac’s sister Marianne who kept telling my mother and Jac’s mother that it was too dangerous to be out on the water….stirring the pot! She made the Mom’s nervous. I had to come into the stateroom and tell them all was fine. The water really wasn’t rough. It was just pouring rain with some thunder and lightning! But we all had a GREAT time…wet and drunk!!

          1. Elaine

            I have to try and go back far enough on Jac’s page to see if I can find the story.
            Loved the way Jac told a Tale. Forgot Truman’s Black and White Ball…This was The Party of The Year!
            Great memory for you and your Linea Ladies.
            Xoxo, Elaine

  9. InStitches49

    Happy (belated) birthday from another July birthday kid (July 4)! Next year will be this baby boomer’s “biggie” birthday. Each day is a blessing to me even if I do sometimes wonder who that lady in the mirror looking back at me is. (I do believe the older I get the more I look like my mother.) Your cake looks delicious, and I’m so glad you kept the tradition that you always had for your birthday. Yesterday was our Corgi’s fifth birthday, and we celebrated by giving him a special iced dog cookie to enjoy.

  10. queendiva

    Traditions are SO important and often give us reason to continue.
    Best wishes for laughs, friends, health and happiness in the coming year.
    Your cake looked delish! My sister always insists on a special ice cream cake for her September birthday.

  11. Melissa W

    Your post made me weepy. I know this birthday was a difficult one for several reasons, but I’m glad you’re carrying on the ice cream cake tradition. I’m also glad you put all the names of your babies on it. How sweet! 😊 I love ice cream cake and the way you ordered it sounds delicious. I may have to find a shop that takes special orders and request that for my birthday next year.

    Hope you had a happy birthday. 💜

  12. Goldie76

    A cake baked with love. Fabulous! What a wonderful baker you have, too. Another of life’s blessings for you. (They arrive in all sorts of ways.)

  13. Anonymous

    It’s only a number. My shocker was 60, when I realized I wasn’t going to get any better! Happy birthdays AND , my name is on the cake!😋

  14. Dawn

    Hi Louis!

    I initially birthday wishes for you on a different post last week. Boy that cake looks delish. I admire your strength and keeping with traditions. I’m sure you had a special treat for your girls to snack on.

    Thanks for all you do.


  15. luvitorleaveit

    First Happy Birthday Louis!!! I just watched your last shown with Jayne last night and heard you mention your upcoming birthday. I know it’s only a number but every birthday is a gift to keep moving forward and keep your sunnyside up as my uncle use to say. I am so glad to see that you are keeping the traditional ice cream cake going
    that you and Jac shared and I hope it brings a smile inside and out. Again Happy Birthday!

  16. Wendy/DE

    Happy Birthday, Louis! Your loyalty, love of tradition, and remembrance of all your blessings is so inspiring! I’ve enjoyed your recent QVC appearances because you have shown that charming fun side of yourself and show why you are so beloved by those who work at QVC and the ladies who purchase your beautiful clothing. Keep on designing and enriching us all with your creativity and passion for fashion for as long as you are able. We all will be better for it!
    I’m sure Jac is cheering you on and so proud of you!!

  17. Seka

    Louis, you are an extraordinary person!

    1. Andrea

      Happy Birthday
      It’s good to maintain traditions.You have the right instincts and great taste. I could live on ice cream in this weather. Every day is an extra!

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