tiered top1 tiered top

……………………………………………..Not only is this one of MY FAVORITE SWEATERS of the season….but I think it is one of the most OVER LOOKED sweaters of the season!………The TIERED WK SWEATER, J268130, is a very unique and incredibly made sweater………It is one of those sweaters that is RIGHT ON TREND…..OF THE MOMENT……. will last forever, and be just as in fashion five years from now as it is today……….The under layer or “tier” is a full layer up to the saddle shoulder….not just an added piece sewn to the bottom for effect. You can see exactly what I mean in the photos where I have turned the sweater inside out……and it CAN BE WORN that way too! The colors are BLACK with a TEAL underlay and BURGUNDY with a ROSEHIP underlay…..both wonderful color combinations……….Dressed up or super casual these sweaters will work for anyone of ANY AGE…..that’s why I think these would make the perfect  HOLIDAY present……… Hip Grandmothers…..Mothers…….Daughters……and Grand Daughters would all enjoy and look great in any one of these sweaters……………………It’s special…..it’s unique, and you certainly won’t find anything else quite like it…………….There are 13 reviews, and 100% of them would recommend this sweater…..that’s quite an endorsement!……………………………….enjoy…………………….much Love………………………………Louis

This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Susan

    Love the necklace but it does not seem to be available anymore? Looking for the gunmetal and chocolate. Also could you tell me if it is heavy?

    1. louis dell'olio

      Susan….if you are referring to the single bar necklace in the photos above…..it is completely sold out. You might want to consider the triple bar version which is sold out in two colors but I think the silver and chocolate are still avail, but I’ve been told there are very few left

  2. Lyn

    Louis, I considered this tunic, but I wasn’t sure if the Burgundy and Rosehip would be good colors for me. I have your Raspberry Pea Coat and your Merlot tunics (WK and Linea Leisure). Those colors work good for me, as I’m an “autumn” with auburn hair and light skin.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Lyn….do you have anything in the Aubergine? That is the closest to the Burgundy, and in the photos it is the Aubergine skirt I have the tunic shown with.

      1. Lyn

        Actually, I do have a V-neck WK sweater in Aubergine (never wore it). However, it’s not the best color for me — a bit too dark. Thanks for letting me know.

  3. luvitorleaveit

    Definitely one of my favorites too and I was able to wear it a few times before the temperatures shot back up also washes beautifully. I hope it’s a reorder I would love to see some other color combos

  4. Melissa

    Got this in the burgundy/rosehip. I really like the saddle shoulder. A very comfy yet stylish sweater. Now only if it would cool down so I can wear it. We are having record highs here in Florida. I’m so ready for it to cool down a bit!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      it’s been pretty warm in NYC too…..and there is no global warming……sure?

      1. goldie76

        Even if one doubts global warming is taking place, why wouldn’t one wish to err on the side of caution? If we can take a few steps to help “turn the tide,” why not? Isn’t it always wiser to make careful, cautious moves?

  5. Emma

    Any ideas on looks for the Holidays?

    1. louis dell'olio

      check out my sneak peek tomorrow…..but there are quite a few existing pieces that I think would be great for the holidays……it just depends on how dressy you want to go?

      1. Goldie76

        Not to be overlooked for heightening one’s holiday look are the “Fancy Drop Earrings” (J317115). Putting them on hold in my mind, I nearly forgot them until this year. So glad that I purchased both. These earrings will instantly transform an outfit to a look of holiday glamour.

        Many of your jewelry pieces would add sparkle to even a basic LBD, if that is someone’s style.

      2. Kate

        Barring some lovely new sequin or velvet pieces (sigh), it’s really all about accessories like great jewelry such as your killer “diamond” bracelet, right? Also the Tudor-inspired necklace from last year!

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          That’s all it takes

  6. Carol

    One of my favorites, too. I have the black/teal. Hope it’s reordered. So cozy!


    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      I was hoping so too. I have a bunch of color combinations ready…..but now I don’t think so

    2. Pecan Cookie

      Ditto on a fav! I might have to get another in black/teal I have worn it quite a bit already.

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