
………………..Woke up this morning to this!….and they say more is coming tonight!! Enough!!! Enjoy your Sunday…….

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Beryl

    We’re having temps in the 70’s here in SE NC. Glad i’m not back in Boston with 6″ of snow.
    Love ya

  2. Anonymous

    Well, this looks beautiful in its own way, but not what you want to see this time of year, I’m sure. I was just walking in the French Quarter here in NOLA, where it’s sunny and in the mid 70s. I was very comfortable in my Fiesta colored whisperknits from a few years ago.

    1. Yvette

      That was me, Yvette, not anon!

    2. Louis Dell'Olio

      Love those colors….if you have different colors you should try mixing them up with white pants or jeans

      1. Yvette

        Oh Louis, I have every one of the fiesta colors, in sleeveless, short sleeve, and long sleeved cardigan. I just loved that group and they have served me well. You mixed the colors in your original presentations and I’ve worn them that way ever since. Today I was wearing the sleeveless v neck in tangerine with the hot pink cardigan, sleeves pushed up a bit. I wore black pants because I wanted to wear a particular pair of black shooties which are comfortable to walk in. (Making a concession to my aging feet lol. )

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          Sounds perfect

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