
…………………………….I can’t begin to tell you how much I love this SHINY BLACK LACQUER METAL!……..I always show black cuffs and I have a wonderful stretch shiny black cuff that I show all the time, and is still avail, J270118….I’m not sure why it’s still here….but it is. This new Black cuff will go with so many things that it will surprise you……It goes with the new SEED BEAD NECKLACE in the BLACK & GUNMETAL……with both versions of the new EGYPTIAN NECKLACES…….and it is absolutely perfect and a great balance to the NEW BLACK BEAD NECKLACE and EARRING set. This is an important cuff and done in a color metal you RARELY see! It’s too special to pass…………….enjoy…………much Love………………….Louis

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Goldie76

    Just read your note, WNYGal. Love how you played off the space concept and the flying. Clever. Now we’re in a space race to the cash register.

    [Odd fact I learned only a couple years ago about Yuri Gagarin’s flight following Sputnik’s success. The Russians did not know how they were going to bring him back, and, as I recall, he had to “fall out of space” to the Earth. I do not feel like researching this at this time, but I think I remember this correctly; it was bizarre. It is sort of like one of the present proposals for getting humans to Mars. One proposal suggests a ONE-WAY TRIP since it takes six months to get there and the idea is to remain on Mars for 500 days. So, with so much time consumed, the one-way trip thought popped up. As former NASA astronaut Gene Cernan said of this thought” “No idea is too crazy for space travel, but this one comes pretty darn close.”

  2. Goldie76

    This bracelet could not be any more original in concept. Who was with you designing this new group, NASA?

    1. WNYGal/April

      I think this should be renamed The Sputnik Cuff, don’t you, Goldie? Because it’s sure gonna fly.

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