Jac, I and the girls want to wish all of our dear friends a Happy Easter and a Happy Passover! Enjoy the day!!

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Celia

    I hope you had a blessed Easter with Jac and the girls!

  2. Yvette

    Dear Louis,
    Thanks to you & Jac for once again sharing your lovely home with us. (Wish I had you nearby to consult on my patio decor, lol.) A very happy Spring to you both!

  3. Quendiva

    Happy Easter to You, Jac and your darling girls.
    Your “postcard” shows just what a glorious Easter Sunday we enjoyed here in the Northeast. Thank you for your genuinely loving and gracious spirit, and for the beautiful Linea clothing and jewelry I had the pleasure of wearing to mass and to our family brunch on this Easter Sunday.

  4. Chris/Jazzmom

    Lovely garden decor!! A happy Easter to you both!

  5. Susan (aka Carlytwila)

    Happy Easter, Louis and Jac! Lovely picture!

  6. Sallie

    Happy Easter to you and Jac.

    What a lovely spring scene with all those colorful pansies, shabby chic birdhouses and pretty old-fashioned iron garden settee. Love that “picket fence” planter box…..so unique and great-looking. As with clothing and accessories….you know how to put things together! : )

  7. ShopperV/Venessa

    Thanks, Louis! It’s beautiful….Happy Resurrection Day to you!!!!

  8. Cathy

    Dear Louis, Jac and Girls,

    What a pretty spring vignette! Happy Spring to all of you.

    Cathy in PA, Walter, Reffi girl and new Sam boy 🙂

  9. Kate

    And the same to you. I see the replanting after last year’s destructive storm has begun!

  10. marcia29

    Hi Louis,

    Thank you and Jac for another beautiful “postcard”. I know you are enjoying your lovely flowers and you have certainly brightened my day!

  11. Cheryl G.

    Happy Holiday:

    What an absolutely lovely decoration. Only you, Louis, and your lovely wife could have come up with such a unique, spring setting. Hope you both are enjoying your day with the pups. I am having a wonderful time with my three Boston Terriers. So looking forward to your show in April. There are many lovely items coming up and many have my name on them!!!

    Hope you both (and the girls) have a very special day!!!

    Cheryl G.

  12. LauraL


    Wishing all of you a happy holiday as well.


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