
…………….I though since I will not have any new sneak peeks until mid January, it would be fun to “take another look” at some of, IMHO, the seasons best. I am starting with the Whisper Knit Every Needle Rib PONCHO. This has all 5 STAR REVIEWS!…..”The Fabulous Poncho”, “Everyday Luxury”, and “Linea’s Perfect Poncho” are just some of them…………I must say I have never seen Nancy look more CHIC, more Sophisticated, and more comfortable in what she was wearing……and she thought so too. The hair, the makeup and the clothes were all perfect for her. She is not a tall women and does not have a large frame, but she wore the poncho with elan and elegance. One of the reasons this poncho WORKS for women is due to the fact the poncho comes to about the elbow, depending on the length of your arms……..Why does this make a difference? The reason is simple….it is much less fabric to carry then if the poncho came doen to the hands, which makes it very wearable and does not feel overwhelming. The only measurement you need to look at is the length….forget the size, because there really is no size. Any of the cross body measurement will still keep the “sleeve” length approx. at the elbow or just below. It is the length you really should decide on. I think this is the first poncho I have done for QVC, and I thought it would be ideal in the Whisper Knit. I also think it would be an ideal Holiday present, because there is no size to worry about…..Layer with a TN, a shirt, a jewel neck sweater or just a matching WK tank…..leggings, pants, a skirt or your favorite jeans and you are ready to go………..I think this is definitely something to “take another look” at………………………….Happy Holidays………………….much Love……………………….Louis

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Dariann Lopez

    This is a beauty! As you know I normally wearing black so I ordered the black with gray trim and have worn it many times already. When you were on QVC this week with Nancy, I ordered the red and black to jazz up my holiday wardrobe. This poncho is chic and sophisticated and I highly recommend it to all Linea ladies.

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