Merry Christmas!


……………………Merry Christmas everyone!…………I guess you can tell from my face that Santa was very good to me. I got a great pool table! and you can see under the tree my “Deluxe” Chemistry set!!!!! I never blew anything up so it was all good……..I loved my presents…..As I recall that was the year my older brothers told me I was getting nothing but coal…….they were wrong!!…All of us who were fortunate enough to have had our childhoods in the 50s know how innocent a time it was…….We had carefree lives…….I pray the children of today have some of what we had back then. I would like to think so……I hope Santa was very good to all of you, and you got what you wished for!………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

……………….Jac and I wish you a Healthy and Happy New Year………………………….much Love……………..Louis

This Post Has 29 Comments

  1. Marie

    Louis, I am very late to comment, but your photo brought back to me such precious Christmas memories. The people in those memories live now only in my heart, so I thank you so very much for sharing. Your tree looks so much like the trees of my childhood, not the perfect shaped trees of today, but magical in all its tinsel beauty. I always did the tinsel, and because we were poor, carefully removed each strand to be carefully returned to the original cardboard holder and then carefully placed into a plastic”recycled” bag to be used again the following year. Not only were the 1950’s a kinder time, but in those years children were allowed to be children -innocent and encouraged to believe in the magic of Christmas. Thank you again for transporting me briefly into Christmas past. My best wishes to you for a healthful 2017, shared with those you love. Classicms

    1. louis dell'olio

      It’s nice to hear from you Marie! Those wonderful innocent times seem even more precious in the world of turmoil we live today……Have a fabulous New Year

  2. Gail

    This is a wonderful picture. Everything is in the eyes.

  3. Barbara from Orlando

    Thanks for the nostalgia trip Louis! That smile says it all!

    My mom was a WWII widow so we didn’t have a lot but she would wait until Christmas Eve and we would walk down to the tree lot where they were practically giving them away. Sometimes we got a scrawny little tree and drag it home through the snow. One string of lights and tinsel and boy that ugly duckling tree grew into magnificence. That’s the magic of Christmas with the manger with baby Jesus sleeping under our tree! God bless you and Jac with a happy and healthy New Year!
    With love😘

  4. Carol

    Now i see where you get your “Atomic Energy”!!!!! Happy New Year.

  5. Anonymous

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Jac. Love the picture of you in front of the tree. Those big eyes show the sincerity and grateful joy you share with all of us even to this day! I too wore my Linea outfit to our family celebration and received compliments as always! The gold nugget necklace was a big hit with ladies from young to older. Many good wishes to you all in the new year!

  6. Karen in WA

    Oh Louis love that picture! As others said, our tree was the same. I still think the tinsel trees were the best, brings so many wonderful memories. Love your Davey Crockett belt. I had a Roy Rogers shirt I loved. We did grow up in the best time, and place ever in the world. Thank you for so many wonderful things. Love to you and Jac.

  7. Yvette

    Wonderful picture, Louis, and it brings back so many memories for this child of the 50s. There’s a picture of me by the tree wearing a cowgirl hat and my new Annie Oakley holsters with six shooters! Our tree looked a lot like yours – they really did pile on the tinsel in our time, didn’t they. And of course, there were Venetian blinds on the windows. Thanks for the memories as Liberace would say (since we’re all being nostalgic here). I’m so grateful to have grown up in a more innocent time.

    Wishing you, Jac, and the pups a very Merry Christmas and all of the best in 2017. See you in January!

    1. Elaine

      Dear Yvette, I also have a photo in front of our tree decked out in a cow outfit. Thank you for the memory!
      Merry Christmas, Elaine

  8. Melissa

    I love that photo! The chemistry set, the pool table, the tree with tinsel…and how cute you looked! Thanks for sharing such a neat photo. Merry Christmas!

  9. Elaine

    Happy Christmas Louis, love this photo.
    Reminds me of our trees growing up. My Dad would make sure we put the tinsel on one strand at a time! I have many of the ornaments from parents as Jac has and I treasure them.
    My niece and sister loved the Linea gifts they found under the tree, leggings, stockings for my “leggy” niece, TN and scarf for my sister. (I loaded up on the scarves last season and wish they would let you bring them back). We do a lot of local traveling over the holiday, NJ for the Eve with the Italian side, Queens today with the Irish side of the family and now back home in Manhattan. Tomorrow I will get to open the Linea presents Santa left under the tree for me!
    Oh course I wore Linea all weekend
    Wishing you and Jac a blessed holiday.
    Thank you, Elaine

    1. louis dell'olio

      Hi Elaine…..thought I’d let you know the scarf will be returning in three colors for next Sept.

      1. Elaine

        That’s great, it’s beautiful scarf, my sister loved it…I still have a few more colors I can give her and will be sure to pick up the new ones.
        Thank you for the wonderful clothes, your advice and always taking the time to respond.
        Enjoy this week and I look forward to seeing you in January. Hi to Jac.
        Thank you, Elaine

      2. Goldie76

        YES!!! The perfect “un-big” scarf. Large enough to keep you warm, but small enough to go in and out of coats/jackets.

        1. Chris S.

          So glad to hear of the return of these scarves. I’m keeping my fingers crossed the colors are the ones on my wish list…navy, ivory, heather grey, and scarlet.
          Thank you for the effort you must have put into getting these back for us!

          1. Louis Dell'Olio

            Dear Chris……sorry to report that none of the colors you want have been ordered….Winter White, Black and Paradise Pink are the colors.

            1. Chris S.

              Winter white will actually be better than the ivory. I already have a few of the black ones in case I lost one. I like pink, but will have to see the shade and if you have other surprises in that color for next fall/winter.
              Happy New Year!

            2. Goldie76

              Louis, we had Black before, didn’t we? Why again? Can we squeeze in a Berry, or will that be too much like Paradise Pink? That P.P. will be a beauty, I bet. Forgive me if I seem ungrateful; happy that there is a return of the scarf.

            3. Louis Dell'Olio

              Black was one of the first colors to sell out and the buyers requested it.

          2. Louis Dell'Olio

            Dear Chris…..I convinced the buyers to drop black [since we already had it], and substitute Heather Charcoal Grey…..So now the colors are HCG, Winter Whiter and Paradise Red….a deep red with pink in it.

  10. InStitches49

    Merry Christmas to you, Jac, and your girls! That photo is priceless! I, too, grew up in the 1950s and have several similar black and white photos taken by my mother of me, the Christmas tree, and my presents. My favorite photo is one when Christmas was on a Sunday and I am dressed for church clutching my new white Bible in one hand and holding the handlebar of my new bicycle in the other. Our generation generally had basic toys such as bikes, sleds, wagons, dolls, books, and board games. And we still survived childhood very well without all the bells and whistles that are today’s toys for kids! Sweet memories!

  11. luvitorleaveit

    Merry Christmas Louis and to all the Linea ladies!

  12. Goldie76

    Absolutely and blissfully charming. You (and I, although born earlier than you) were so fortunate to grow up in a more idyllic time, despite the threat-of-nuclear-explosion drills. Love the expression on your face! Such a happy lad! Did those Venetian blinds have a maroon runner going up them? They resemble the blinds I grew up with, which had that maroon strip on them.

    I hope you and Jac have a blessed Christmas and a year before you of good health, prosperity and fulfillment! LOVE your home and decor. Thank you, Louis, for your gorgeous and satisfying designs.

    1. louis dell'olio

      Merry Christmas Goldie….I honestly don’t remember what color the tapes were on the blinds. I remember the couch and the wall to wall rugs were a deep rose pink, so they tapes could easily have been a maroon color. Wishing you a wonderful New Year.

      1. Goldie76

        Thank you so much, Louis!

  13. Beryl

    You were always a handsome devil.

  14. Debbie M.

    Merry Christmas, Louis, Jac and the girls! Many Blessings to you and all the Linea Ladies!

  15. 1jac

    Oh how the picture of your tree brings back so many wonderful memories. Our trees looked exactly like that.How we painstakingly put each strand of tinsel on those trees. The innocence of youth and the wonderful,calm 50’s. I miss them. Have a wonderful Christman with your beautiful Jac and your girls. I wish for us all a peaceful,happy future. Thank you for making us look so stylish and beautiful.

    1. louis dell'olio

      The “metal” tinsel was my mother and my job. My father and brother put the tree up and did the lights. My other brother, John was always at his high school girlfriend’s house. Carol lived around the corner. They just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary! Putting the tinsel on the tree was the last thing we did, and yes you needed tons on patience…carefully separating the strands of tinsel from each other. My Dad had no patience and my mother, after seeing him “throw” tinsel on the tree relegated him somewhere else….LOL. They were the happy times that unfortunately will never be experienced again. We do the best we can and keep the outside world away on this Christmas Day.Have a wonderful day!

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