
…………………………..PARFAIT PINK………………..doesn’t that sound yummy……That’s the NEW PINK I am introducing this season. How does this differ from my other pinks? It’s a little bluer than my Perfectly Pink which some find to have a peach base……This does not have a peach base…..All of the trims are the same as the BLACK BASEBALL JACKET with some minor changes in the embroidery colors. They needed to be changed to work better on the pink ground. Under the Parfait Pink jacket is a PARFAIT PINK cotton T, A225482, new this season. It has had it’s own sneak peek……Out for dinner or if your work place……is the right place to wear a jacket like this….try pairing it with a black WK pencil skirt. Going to a Spring/Summer wedding, graduation, engagement etc…..pair the jacket with a sheath LBD……………….Anything BLACK will look great, but if you are experimental, which I hope more and more of you are [jump out of the BOX], try different colors…..and if you have a good eye….even a print could work…IF….it’s the right one……………This is a jacket to have fun with, and I bet you will reach for it a lot more then you thought you would. When you want to wear, and look  special….you will grab this, and know it’s the right choice………..Remember…it’a avail RIGHT NOW!………..enjoy……………………….much Love…………………………….Louis

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Teri

    I am thinking “Pink Ladies” from Grease!

  2. Chris/Jazzmom

    I’m thinking the pull on pant (A233639) or drawstring skirt (A233183) in the Limoges blue might work with this particular jacket (matching the blues).

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