Here is an inventory update…….there are 23 Alabaster Aztec necklaces left and under 30 of the chocolate and gunmetal cuffs…..supposedly there are 7 silver left, but the Q shows they are sold out…..checking?

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Goldie76

    From what I can see on the QVC site, Louis, there are NO Aztec necklaces left in any color, and there are NO silver cuffs.


    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      They are checking….There actually aren’t any Aztec necklaces left, but my rep believes there are still 7 cuffs. She may not be up to date or QVC may be wrong…..yet to be determined.

  2. Seka

    Louis – On the Q’s site – the Aztec Necklace shows Sold Out in both colours,

      1. WNYGal/April

        In that case, as often as you’ve given out this information, I really will need your manufacturer’s address & return for repair policy because of the issue with my silver cuff. I haven’t returned it for exchange, nor left any kind of review yet. I guess my husband could solder it (he’s built umpteen public radio stations across the east coast, including the newest Mother Ship in DC, so it wouldn’t exactly be a challenge), but I’m afraid it won’t be at the top of his list of priorities, & I might not get to wear it until I’m pushing up daisies. I have, however, been sporting my chocolate one all over town & making my peeps very jealous indeed.

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          Dear April I’ve already told my manufacturer about your cuff and they asked me to have you return it to them. Mail to:

          Repairs Department
          C/O TCJC LLC
          3B Industrial Drive
          Smithfield, R.I. 02917

          enclose a brief letter that you are a QVC customer and what the problem is……Enclose a check made out to TCJC LLC for $7.50 for return shipping. Let me know how it turns out. I’m sure your husband is very handy, but I wouldn’t want him to ruin the plating!

          1. WNYGal/April

            Thank you, thank you. Dick’s the master at making sure that the mellifluous sound of Robert Seigel’s voice reaches you over the air waves, but those wires aren’t silver-plated, & that’s a fact.

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