Just had to say!

Just looked at the new clothes pictured on the Q…..For the most part they aren’t terrible……….but………..PLEASE do not wear the midi skirt with boots like those pictured. She looks like granny in the Beverly Hillbillies! If you want to wear booties with a wide throat then wear opaque tights…..or wear a bootie that hugs the leg……Did they really need to put sneakers on with the WK pant. She looked like women in NYC who wear sneakers walking to work, and then changes into appropriate shoes when she gets there…………………..My fashion advice of the day!

This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. InStitches49

    Because I have a bunion and hammertoes on one foot (which hopefully I’ll get fixed next year if insurance allows it), I wear a lot of open-toed shoes until cold weather sets in. Then I have some wonderful boots which allow for that problem. But I always try to look my best in my Linea pants or skirts and never look like Granny Clampett. I’m old enough to say I worked fulltime when women dressed appropriately (dresses, skirts/blouses/sweaters, and hosiery with heels). Today anything goes evidently!

  2. Carol

    Can I say I cannot imagine any Linea Lady thinking those would be the go to shoes for that skirt. That was my first thought when I saw that photo. LOL And the WK pants with sneakers? Maybe they think they’re being edgy, but that’s not the edge I’m looking to fall over. Love the new season colors!


  3. Caroline

    Just saw Tim Gunn on the Bill Maher show tonight and he talked about the slobification of America. I guess QVC is speaking to the masses by pairing the sneakers with the WK pants. Be thankful that they did not put fuzzy slippers on the model.

    1. Grace

      LOL, Caroline!

  4. MH-MN

    I feel your pain. It must be enormously frustrating to see your creations presented for sale in such a careless manner. This grandma wears Linea every day and has no intention of being shod like Grannie Clampett! I wish that you could bring us footwear like those wonderful Anne Klein shoes and boots of yesteryear.

  5. Nancy (AKA TheOwl)

    Actually have to say that WK pant look is growing on me 🙂 I’m thinking some nice black lace-up Keen shoes for ultimate comfort and support all those winter months at home indoors when WK is my pant of choice to keep me warm 🙂
    The Beverly Hillbilly look with the WK skirt is a definite no-go for me 🙂 But both skirts are now in process and I can’t wait for them!

  6. LindaSonia

    QVC desperately needs some new stylists.

  7. Sylvia Pickich

    They should watch “What Not To Wear”? I forgot about those boots Granny used to wear…

  8. Chris/Jazzmom

    Holy cow! Talk about using whatever is available for footwear!! NO, NO and did I say NO? NO!

  9. karlakaye

    LOL Your post made my day. WHO ON EARTH styles those Q photos—they should be arrested by the “Fashion Police”!!!!


  10. Grace

    Louis, thanks for the LOL for real…it’s a good way to kick off a weekend! I haven’t seen the photos yet, but I can just imagine. It’s mind boggling really that QVC does not invest in professional quality fashion photography, with stylists involved, considering how critical it is to marketing. Who doesn’t get that in the retail world? Between that and the pricey & slow shipping in a world of free and fast, it’s a wonder they can still compete at all. Thank goodness a million times over for this oasis of a website and your sneak peeks!


    I’d have to be passed out drunk in a ditch to use a QVC photo for styling help with ANYTHING.

    1. Yvette

      OK, so Louis gave me my first laugh of the day with his remarks, and now WNYGAL, you’ve topped it off with this. Too funny!!!

  12. Jane J.

    Louis, Thanks so much for the good laugh! I couldn’t believe it this morning when I saw the picture of the WK pants pooling around the tops of the sneakers. And, the picture of Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies — laughing out loud here! I think QVC must have someone on staff who just thinks up the worst possible way to show the clothes.

  13. luvitorleaveit

    LOL Louis thanks for the good laugh as I change from my sneakers to shoes! That is my M-F look with the sneakers and I can’t forget the increase number of bags we carry now, but I refuse to carry more than two which includes my handbag and still look chic I must say. You are absolutely right QVC could have presented a better picture with nice shoes I mean really they aren’t jeans, and those boots with that skirt….yikes. The fashion stylist must have been running late or something!

    1. louis dell'olio

      There is no fashion stylist! they go from apparel to hambergers

      1. luvitorleaveit

        LOL White Castle hamburgers at that! Although I do love them just only once in a while.

  14. Wendy/DE

    I had the same thought,Louis. I must say your comments gave me a hearty laugh out loud moment! Thanks for the great suggestions. Have a wonderful day!

  15. Goldie76

    Just looked at the WK pants with the sneakers. I do not think even a young child would instinctively pair them together. Buzz-killers at work, I guess.

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