…………………………..PALE BLUE is a true menswear shirt color. Whenever I want to look really good I wear this color shirt or white……great with silver hair, and not bad with blonds, brunettes and red heads! I have it shown with my new WHITE JEANS, A304733, which will be presented on my 4/17 QVC2, 10:00 PM SHOW!!!!!!……………The BLUE POMPEII necklace looks amazing with the Pale Blue…..Sorry it’s sold out….but there is a lot of jewelry still to come….The jewelry is supposed to last the season but it sells out in days! There are still two amazing colors left in the POMPEII set……the AQUA, and the SANGRIA, and bot are beauties…………………………………………………………….enjoy……………………much Love…………………………..Louis

This Post Has 2 Comments


    If this look doesn’t say a walk on the boardwalk, I don’t know what does. Happily, I already have the necklace. It’s a good thing I’ve been setting aside all the change from my husband’s pockets & from under his recliner cushion (why don’t you guys ever SPEND this stuff?) cuz I’m sure gonna need every penny for these upcoming shows.

  2. Chris/Jazzmom

    Lovely color! Navy jewelry works with this shade of blue. Or even red jewelry works.

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