……………………………….The MOCHA shirt is the last color being offered in this blouse, and it is the most unusual! I’ll let you describe the colors! Calling it Mocha is not a good choice! Mocha would lead you to believe it’s a warm brown which is not the predominate color. The colors in the photo are very accurate. I have it accessorized with the Etruscan necklace  plus the NUGGET necklace and earring in the KHAKI…………………..The Linen or Alabaster crop looks great, but a WHITE bottom can give it a very summery look…………………………………………….

……………………………………….Enjoy……………………….much Love………………………………..Louis

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Amanda

    My favorite too!!!

  2. Jane J.

    Louis, If you remember — was it the Mocha or the Lime that you showed in a sneak peak in one of the shows? I know it was stunning.

    1. louis dell'olio

      It was the lime with the dk. olive boho and the fuchsia with the wine boho.

      1. Jane J.

        Thank you, Louis. Lime and Fuchsia for me, but the Mocha is so unusual I think it’s calling my name as well.


    Mocha! Who named it THAT? This is like the most elegant golden green crocodile that ever came down the Nile. All the colors, and this blouse, are beautiful, but this one is sensational.

  4. queendiva

    My favorite of the color choices- of course.
    Guessing that this top would play well with olive pants.

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