………………………..Happy Mother’s Day to one and to ALL. Jac’s beautiful garden is growing and flourishing! I’m sure Jac is doing her magic and talking to her flowers as she always did…..I must give a special thanks to the “La Cotiere” group of Linea women for the sweet singing chimes that I have placed at the base of Jac’s new Cherry Tree. The tree given to me by Teresa and Franco. I have to give a big thank you to the women of “The Llama Herd” for the beautiful “Snow Weeping Cherry Tree” that Franco, Umberto and I just planted yesterday [photo to the upper right]. I had planted a Pink Weeping Cherry tree on the left side of the garden a few years ago for Jac, and I surrounded it with Hydrangeas, another of her favorite flowers. Now, with the new addition of the Snow Weeping Cherry Tree, I planted it on the opposite side of the garden, again surrounded by Hydrangeas. The garden is now balanced and symmetrical, as it was always meant to be. With the tree, the Llama ladies sent me a “Tree Bracelet”. Honestly, I had never heard of a Tree Bracelet. It’s a metal sign that you place around the trunk of the tree……..The sign is engraved. It reads…………………”ALL YOU HAVE TO BE IS WONDERFUL………..SHE WAS”……………….It’s just PERFECT…………………Every time I think about all of your kindness and love that you have shown Jac and I over the years….tears come to my eyes………………………..I can not thank all of you enough!…………………We wish ALL of the Linea Ladies a wonderful Mother’s Day!!…………………

……………………………………all our Love………………………..Louis and Jac……..Annie……Lili…..and Sammy

This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. vicki.

    Thank you Dear Louis for the Mother’s Day wishes …

    Jac’ s garden looks lovely …what a warm wonderful place to sit the Pansies look beautiful



  2. Dawn

    What a beautiful place to sit and relax. Lovely gifts from your friends.

  3. Judi

    Absolutely beautiful! I hope you feel peace, serenity and comfort in these surroundings. You have made Jac’s garden into an oasis of tranquility.
    Thank you for sharing this-

  4. Judi

    Dear Louis,

    Jac’s hand and heart in the garden is shining for everyone, as is yours. She was … and IS wonderfu, and so are you. Thank you for everything you’ve both meant in our lives, indeed especially in the difficult times; it means the world.

    Love and Hugs,

    Cathy & Walter in PA

    1. Cathy in PA

      P.S. The above post is from Cathy & Walter in PA … apologies to Judi!

  5. Melissa W

    Such beautiful pics. I’m envious as I do not have a geeen thumb. Beautiful tribute to Jac.

  6. Ruth

    Dear Louis, Zora Neale Hurston said, “Trees and plants always look like the people they live with, somehow.” The beauty of your garden is a reflection of the inner and outer beauty of beloved Jac. May you have many happy days enjoying this lovely space. Ruth

  7. Linda Newman

    Thank you. We had a lovely day in Malibu. Jac’s garden looks beautiful. I am sure she is doing her magic and very pleased with the results. Enjoy it.
    Love and hugs, Linda

  8. Wendy/DE

    Beautiful garden, beautiful tribute, enjoy the love of friends and fans! Happy Mother’s Day, Linea ladies!

  9. Celia

    Jac is smiling on this, I’m sure.

  10. Karen in WI

    Thank you Louis!

    Jac’s garden looks beautiful. I’m sure that she is so very proud of you. I can just imagine you sitting on one of the garden chairs, listening to the twinkling of the chimes, smiling and thinking of wonderful memories. Love and hugs.

  11. Judy M


  12. Chris/Jazzmom

    Thank you for the good wishes. The garden looks lovely!


  13. Sylvia Pickich

    Just beautiful!

  14. Ellen

    My new Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry Tree is in the backyard waiting to be planted. I will now call it “Jac’s Tree.” You and Jac have a beautiful garden. Enjoy it with her as she guides you to other spectacular foliage to plant in her honor. Hugs

  15. Jennifer

    Isn’t it beautiful how all these wonderful ladies of the Llama Herd & La Cotiere along with Teresa & Franco all separately paid tribute to your beautiful Jac and it all came together in perfectly balanced symmetry. There are no coincidences…. <3

    1. Jennifer

      You are truly surrounded by beautiful blooms and special people!

      Love & Linea,

      Jennifer Reed

  16. Mimi girl

    What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful, wonderful loving lady whose inner and outer beauty matched. You and she have enriched so many lives. And you have helped us through some difficult times by designing our great wardrobes.

    Thanks more than you know.n6y5

  17. Elaine

    Beautiful beyond words, Louis!
    Wishing you many, many happy day.
    Always in my prayers, Elaine

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