28 1/2 inches for petite, and 31 1/2 inches for regular measured laying the garment flat on a table. I have been told due to the weight of the knit they will probably hang 1/2 inch longer so the on the body length will be 32″ and 29″. I hope this answers all questions about this pant…they are letter sized. Please re-read my post for all other info…..thanks, Louis

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Sherry

    These pants may never make it to the show, with all the excitement over them. I’m excited to get a pair as well, but it will only be one with all the medical and dental expenses these past and future few months. I would normally buy the black and not give it a second thought, but…I am such a brown person….decisions, decisions. Thanks Louis.

  2. Quendiva

    Thank you Louis for updating the pant length issue and making the effort to follow through for us. You and your designs are the BEST!

  3. Flora

    Louis, thank you so much, not just for your beautiful designs but for spending time answering all of our questions. Hopefully, the better informed we are the less returns there will be.

  4. Toni Fisher

    Dear Louis: You have given us all we need to know – I love the longer length – not to worry, we will love them, love the leg size and length – all the horses are in the gate waiting for the bell. Your pants will be a great success, people worry because QVC ordering system is so screwed up, it makes people anxious. All will be well, and those who can wear will enjoy them. Glad you are with Sandra Bennett, she’s ok as a host. Make a nice cocktail and go out and look over the sound with Jac and the girls. Toni

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Sounds good Toni, but tomorrow I have a day in the city….meetings and that will give me Friday and Sat to get the 6am and the 4pm shows together….yipes!

  5. Carol

    Louis, can you feel the palpable excitement over these pants? LOL No one wants to be left out.

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