………………………….DEEP RICH LINEA NAVY LEATHER…..not an easy color to achieve! You don’t want it too too dark so it looks black, but you don’t want it too light either…..When it gets really cold I recommend layering with light WK sweaters. You know what they say…..”many light layers is better than a heavy one”. Each layer traps the body heat and keeps you warmer. I have chosen the mock neck tunic, A303029 worn with the short cardigan, A343031, and my Indigo jeans, A304733. All of the BLUES work perfectly with one another………To finish it off the BLUE STATION NECKLACE, J356989, which just adds enough bling when worn with jeans…………….For a dressier look, switch the jeans with my Navy WK pencil skirt, A343131, and the necessary LINEA NAVY TIGHTS, A343938………………………enjoy………………much Love………………………..Louis

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Grace

    I’m in big trouble here with these jackets. Of course, the navy, which is so rare to find in a leather jacket, and so rich & elegant. I also love the red!! Black is a must-have. The port is stunning, as well. What’s a girl (of a certain age) to do? lol

    1. Louis DellOlio

      Dear Grace, if you said budget I’d understand, but age should never be a factor. My mother was 96 when she passed and always dressed well.

      1. Grace

        Dear Louis, it is about the budget, considering everything else I’m buying, but I didn’t make that very clear. The saying “what’s a girl to do” usually applies to someone much younger, so I added the qualifier “of a certain age” feeling a need to make it accurate. You are so right about dressing well regardless of age, and maybe especially as we age, as your dear mother knew very well. I’ve heard you lovingly speak about your mom wearing St. John and feeling proud of her great legs in skirts! She’s surely a wonderful role model for the rest of us to follow!

  2. Marta - NCGal

    Louis, I own a ton of your Navy going back over 10 years. I still wear them and have mixed them with many of your other whisper knit colors and blouses/tops. I have used the whisper knit tanks over your white and blue cotton button down shirts as a vest. I think the pop of white or blue would be perfection with this jacket. So now what do I do? Port, DFG, Scarlet, now Navy? I love fashion and you might as well look beautiful living life to the fullest!

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