First, Jac and I want to thank all of you for keeping us in your prayers! We appreciate it very much. We still don’ have cable, so no phones, no TV, no phones, no Internet…..no blogging no sneak peeks. You may be asking how I am posting now….. because I have a very smart wife! We both have I phones, she just got hers and has already mastered it. I’ve had mine for over a year and can barely make a call…. Until SANDY! Necessity IS the mother of invention and everyday I learn something new. Today it was how to get on my web site. I will be giving you all the important info, but I will not be answering questions as it is to difficult on
This little phone and I am so busy with the house damage and QVC appearances coming up. I lost 1/3 of my sea wall that protects my house from the sea. I had 2 feet of sea water in my basement!…….Fish baby lobsters sea weed an all! I had a wonderful company called Servpro come in and clean it out….they did a great job!
My next appearances are: Nov.16, 6am, Nov 17th, 8am and Nov. 19th PM Style it will be all the new things you have been seeing.
I know many of you already know the entire shipment of WK was destroyed in the storm. They were in a warehouse that was totally flooded. Needless to say we were all so disappointed. The good news is… We are trying to manufacture a new group, but they won’t be avail before March. Every cloud has a silver lining.
Again thank you so much for your caring. Let’s all of us pray for the poor people who lost everything!……..much Love, Louis

This Post Has 37 Comments

  1. Cela

    Dear Louis and Jac,
    So happy you are okay. How are the babies? Don’t worry about damages just fix things back BETTER than before–it’s a chance for Jac to select items that didn’t occur to her before. Just take care of each other, and give the babies lots of treats and LOVE. Thank GOD you weren’t dealing with mudslides like we have here on the WEST Coast! Can you imagine, shoveling MUD, OUT OF THE HOUSE? See, each cloud has a silver lining, like you say. Hey, since the WK’s are coming in March, think about a gorgeous Marigold, sunshine yellow for me! LOVE YOU!!!! BE SAFE! CIAO.

  2. nyc1

    Glad you are well and putting things back in order. OH MY… the EAST COAST just doesn’t (shouldn’t) get slammed like that. My 93 year old mother was without power for 10 days (but thanfully was still able to get heat), and my sister, who lives in the city but has a house in E. Hampton, lost 2 huge trees and her privacy fence out on LI. I live in Chicago now, but my city will always be NY…. always. Since I couldn’t volunteer my time, I sent money to 5 local charities. I wish I could have done both.
    All the best with your upcoming shows. Stay well and safe.

  3. Shari

    OH WOW!!!



    Hi louis:

    I live in NYC and had some trying times also due to the storm. I was worried about you and Jac and the ‘girls’ because I know you are so close to the water. I thank God that you are safe and only have inconvenience to deal with.

    Despite the fact that the ‘Wisper Knit’ shipment was lost, we are grateful that we still have you and yours in sound shape. Stay well and let us remember those who are still suffering in our prayers.


  5. Susan (aka CarlyTwila)

    It is so good to hear from you and to know that you’re working your way out of the mess that Sandy delivered. You and Jac are in my prayers (and of course the ‘girls’ too.) We were without power for over a week a few years back when hurricane Ida made its way to Ohio. I remember ‘cooking’ macaroni and cheese on the gas grill. I am so very glad that everyone is safe. Much love….

      1. Cathy

        Just let us know where to deliver some 🙂

        Cathy in PA

  6. Sybil

    Thanks for the update. Glad your all alright and your home is still standing and water-free. What a storm! Sorry about the WK. God Bless and look forward to seeing you and the holiday items on QVC. Sybil A.

  7. Qulia


    I’ll add to the prayers and thanks that you and Jac and the girls are well and the damage to your home and seawall are getting addressed. Regarding the iPhone, my husband bought one for me last Christmas so I could test it out before him. He reluctantly got one about a month later. Since then we have not only gotten used to them but we LOVE them and we aren’t using half the capabilities yet. We text our kids who text more often then they call. And they send photos of the grandkids taken with their iPhones to our iPhones. I don’t even take a camera on trips anymore the photos are that good. My iPhone is now my photo album with pictures of my grandkids, garden, dogs, trips, etc. I can check my email while I’m running around town. I use it for the internet, too. In fact, I’ve shown Linea items from this blog to friends with my iPhone. I don’t even have any apps (applications) on mine yet but that will open a whole world. I may be getting the QVC app because when you were last on I tried to watch your show while I was on the road and couldn’t get the video. Maybe with the app I will ensure that I’ll never miss another show. And, yes, when the grid goes down, the phone can keep you connected. When we had tornados go through town last spring and the power went out and the phone lines overwelmed, I was able to look on the internet at the local weather to see what was going on and I was able to text my husband and make sure he was okay. It was such relief.

    Hugs to you all during this tough time.


  8. Taneshia

    Thanks for the update! We have all been worried about you and Jac. I am a new convert to your clothing line and look forward to seeing you on the air soon!

  9. Breee

    Dear Louis and Jac,

    I am so glad that you two are safe, and so sorry your property was damaged in the storm. We have missed your sneak peeks, but are looking forward to see how you style these new fashions when on air. I received both houndstooth outfits and I really do need a houndstooth outfit in black and perfectly pink. That would look so good with the pink or black boho and the black pants! Perhaps next year. Thanks for the beautiful fashions this fall. You have outdone yourself.


  10. Pauline

    Dear Louis and Jac,

    Happy to know you are safe, clothes can be replaced, you can’t! Looking forward to the shows next week.

    God bless and take care,


  11. TourEiffel

    So happy to hear from you! Thanks to Storm Sandy, I found myself suffering Louis-Blog-Withdrawal-Syndrome, an ailment much worse than losing power or more big trees in my yard. Kind of like checking Web MD for medical information, I’d check your blog daily for news. Glad to know that you and Jac are safe. But I’m so sad about the damage suffered by you and others. Welcome back!

  12. Cathy

    Dear Louis and Jac,

    We’re all delighted to hear from you again; so glad to hear you and Jac weren’t swimming around in the basement with those baby lobsters 🙂 We will continue to pray and help other victims in any way we can. Be safe, hugs to you both, and we so look forward to “seeing” you later in November.

    Cathy in PA

    PS. Walter just got an iPhone last week … it’s been an ADVENTURE … and he doesn’t take well to learning from me LOL

  13. Judy

    So happy you are all safe, and best wishes with the cleanup!

  14. blinddogs

    Dear Louis, Jac and “the girls”– We are all so grateful that you survived Superstorm Sandy and did what you had to do to evacuate. We know you have been through hell and back and the fact that you have posted anything online is a measure of just how much you care for your “Linea Ladies .”

    So sorry that the wk sweaters were flooded out in the QVC warehouse. Geez, how much storm stuff do you have to endure??? (Remembering your Hurricane Irene issues…) Whatever.. we will all wait and order whenever new Linea is available. Louis, we are all here for you and will loyally support you. Take care, and do what you need to do to get life back to normal for You, Jac and the doggies!–Blinddogs

  15. Judi

    How thrilling to hear from you (with Jac’s help!) and to hear of the progress you have made. I think everyone on the East Coast has their “war stories”, I wasn’t aware of the severe destruction for several days because of our outage.Thank goodness for Smartphones and texting, although keeping the batteries charged was a challenge! We continue to have the resident’s of NY and NY in our prayers for the renewal of their homes and lives. Note: within the clothing I donated, there were several whisper knits (!)…I’ve changed sizes.
    I’m so looking forward to seeing you and Jac on your November visit to the Q.
    I’ll be eagerly awaiting the new whisper knits, but in the meantime I have so many itmes of your lovely clothing to keep me warm and well dressed.
    Stay safe

  16. Susan T.

    Good to hear from you and your lovely wife and that you are okay considering the circumstances that could have been much worse. We have been remembering in our prayers all the people in the Northeast during this time of recovery. Having gone through some tornadoes here in middle TN, we know that the real blessing is when your loved ones are safe. Material things can be replaced; people cannot. Looking forward to seeing you and Jac on QVC really soon! Take care….

  17. Andrea/fromthebronx

    Hi Louis, it’s great to hear from you! I am sorry to hear about all the damage you had to your home and property. I live about half an hour from you and even though we got power back relatively quickly, a piece of the front of our house fell off, our shed in the back yard looked like it exploded, and a weather vane that had been on top of our garage for about 75 years flew off. I’m just relieved that you, your lovely wife, and the girls are all well! And when those Whisper Knits are ready, I and my trusty credit card will be, too. Currently, it’s smoking a little from the last set of Whisper Knits and may take a while to cool down. God bless!

    Andrea from the Bronx

  18. Maria (Goldie 76)

    (Sung to the tune of “Hello, Dolly”)

    Hello, Louis
    Well, hello, Louis
    It’s so nice to have you back where you belong.
    You’re soundin’ swell, Louis
    I can tell, Louis
    You’re still glowin’, you’re still crowin’
    You’re still goin’ strong.
    I heard the room’s dryin’,
    There’ll be no more cryin’
    Over all that damage caused by Storm Sandy.
    So, get in line, ladies.
    Louis has got more styles , ladies.
    Louis, never go away again.

    1. Sharon Santourian-Holman

      Oh,that was lovely! LOL! Praise The Lord all of you are safe!

  19. md891

    Hi Louis,
    So very happy you and Jac are okay, we can wait for WK as long as the two of you are fine!! Looking forward to your next appearances…stay well and thank Jac for knowing the iPhone so you could communicate with us!!

  20. Sue W.

    I am so happy that you are both okay. When I accidentally had a kitchen fire, servpro came out and did a wonderful job! What can I say, I had a 2 week old baby and was sleep deprived and turned on the wrong burner! Anyhow, take care and you’ll be in my thoughts and prayers! The glass is half full!

    Much love,

    Sue W.

  21. Chris/Jazzmom

    So glad to see you posting and that all is well as can be expected!! Looking forward to the new shows and the eventual WK come March.

  22. Sallies

    Dear Louis Jac…….

    You have been on my mind. When I saw that you hadn’t posted for quite awhile I assumed Sandy got you….living on the water on LI Sound. Our daughter lives in Stamford, but is inland at a higher elevation. She had no power, and wind damage with falling trees. I can only imagine how devastating it is to see that water coming at you. Glad you and your girls are all safe. The WKs will be much anticipated come spring. Take care and may things be back to a new “normal”. ((((Hugs))))

  23. Carol

    So happy you and Jac are beginning to emerge from the wreckage. Living on the shore can have its drawbacks.

    I hear you about the messaging with a phone. My 18 y.o. son has begged me for years to text instead of call, and so far, I have steadfastly resisted. I have the antique cell phone that does not have a keyboard, so texting is out of the question.

    Looking forward to seeing you on the upcoming shows. I have the new jacket, tunic sweater and sequined dress on the way to my house, and cannot wait to see how you style them.

    Much love,

  24. Karis

    Got to love ServePro Louis!! We had them too last week to clean out the water damage in our basement. Glad everyone is safe!

  25. Barbara in Virginia

    Hi, Louis! So good to “see” you once again! (I am also hopelessly illiterate when it come to technology of any kind.) Having experienced something similar in the form of an F-4 tornado, I completely understand all that must be done to get anywhere back to anything resembling “normal”. But I know you and Jac will persevere! All of those of you we know as well as the many more whom we do not know personally have been very much in our thoughts and prayers. And several links for how we may help have been posted on the QVC Linea Forum. Now aren’t you glad you have a smart wife ? 🙂 As always, Barbara and Old Grumpy

  26. Becky

    Dear Louis and Jac! I’m so thankful that you and the Girls are safe and that difficulties are being resolved! Thank you so much for writing! We were worried and your presence and Nov. plans are reassuring! I appreciated the blogs from the different Linea Ladies while waiting and now we’ve heard from you yourself!

    Take care! We’re always standing by 🙂

  27. Nancy (aka TheOwl)

    Thank HEAVENS to hear from you and hear you sounding like your upbeat self! Thank you Jacque for helping Louis conquer IPhone paralysis :)!!! I hope you guys took lots of pictures of the Sandy aftermath. Let us hope and pray that this one was one for the ages and the record books but one NOT to be repeated hopefully in our life times. Either I’m getting older and my memory fails or we are having more and more weather events and calamities of nature. Hardly noticed by many of us preoccupied here with clean-up and storm # 2 that made it’s way up the coast this week, was the very big earthquake off the Guatemala coast and the subsequent loss of life. Every day I check on the news from the boroughs, Staten Island, and New Jersey. I was raised in NJ and still have family there who tell me that things in NJ are still pretty bad. We look for ways to contribute financially to the recovery and have done so and we continue to send up prayers. Full recovery will take a long time. The things that matter most become more evident and will be on a lot of our minds as we gather with loved ones for Thanksgiving this year. Love to you and Jacque!

  28. upallnight1/Deborah

    Thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to post. We were all so worried about you, Jac, the girls, and your “archives,” lol.

    My husband has a smart phone, and I can’t type anything intelligible on it, so kudos to you for figuring it out!

    Thank you for letting us know about the reorder. It’s amazing how quickly you are dealing with the aftermath of Sandy, though it probably doesn’t seem that way to you. Was your silver lining a lobster dinner? See you on the 16th!

  29. marcia29

    Yes! We are all praying for our brothers and sisters who have lost so much, and for you two as well. We will wait patiently for our WKs. And in the meantime we have your appearances in November. They will be very special indeed as I am sure you will be so happy to be able to “see” your LLs once again, and we will be thrilled to see you!

  30. Claudia (chprsp)

    What a great start to the day hearing from you and Jac. I look forward to the next shows and wk in the spring. I hope there are no more extreme storm. I’ve heard good things about Servpro but never had to use them.s

  31. designsita

    God speed!

  32. muzzimom (sandi)

    It’s wonderful to hear from you, Louis and know that you and Jac are ok even if you did have damage to your property. I too had an experience with Servpro and they are indeed the best! I pray that all affected by SANDY will receive help as soon as possible.

  33. Debbie Macy

    Dear Louis<

    Welcome back!! I am so glad that you and Jac are ok. I have to tell you we were all worried. Thank you for letting us know that all is not lost for WK. I look forward to seeing you next week and by then I should have my order.

  34. Judy Ann

    Dear Louis,
    So good to hear that you, Jac, and the girls are OK. You have been through so much. I’m sure with a little more time all your services will be restored. Of course we all look forward to seeing you in action on the Q next weekend.
    Good news about the WK.
    Much love and God Bless,
    Judy Ann

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