…………………………..This pendant looks like it was discovered in an ancient Egyptian Pyramid……or something I would see in a display case in a museum…..I chose Russian Gold for this pendant, because it is the closest color, and has the patina of pieces from antiquity…….It is definitely a statement, but not an overpowering statement for ANYONE……It can easily be worn with a tee or a Whisper Knit sweater…..all year long….It’s a get up and go piece…….We all love that……………enjoy………………………much Love………………….Louis

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Lynne

    Hi Louis, love this necklace. It is a beauty and sold out quickly. I don’t think you aired a show presenting this necklace and still, most of the colors have sold out (not unusual). Any chance the buyer will replenish the sold out colors?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      No plans yet….many new things in the works.

  2. Sarah

    Wow Louis!!!
    I received very quickly and I’m delighted. I purchased the gold and it is beautiful. Earrings too are spectacular, but I will wear my clips from your packs of four. Those sets of earrings have been great to go with your necklaces. It has also prompted me to make sure I have at least one to match each of the 8 metals. Those earring sets were a very good idea.
    Now back to this beauty- I will be personifying Cleopatra the remainder of the day…

  3. Karen in WA

    Louis, I love this necklace. I too have been obsessed with Egyptian art. As a little girl I had a view Master, remember, they had discs and you inserted them and you would see 3 D pictures. I had one of the pyramids and I would sit and look at them for hours. Then in the early 60’s the King Tut exhibit came to LA and my Mom and I went, WOW I was in heaven. Do you remember Jo Stafford singing,”see the pyramids along the Nile”?

    The Turq. is my favorite, the gold is what I chose because I think I will get more wear out of it. The silver reminds me of RLM, and the black is most contemporary. Mine is making its way slowly to the west coast.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      WOW Karen, you don’t fool around. Yes, I remember all the things you mentioned, and I too had the view mater and remember the one of the pyramids!Jo Stafford was before my time, but my father used to play her records and I certainly remember that song.

  4. G

    Part Deux of my Response:

    …and yes to this one.


    1. Goldie76

      I’m the little piggy.

  5. Grace

    LOVE this Egyptian pendant and the earring. Stunning. Limiting myself to one or two metals will be a challenge!

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