………………………….PERFECTLY PINK is a color many of you are very family with. I thought it would be perfect in the lace top, A302605…………There will be a pair of crop pants coming later in the season in the same Perfectly Pink if you want a column of color. The TANK, A404658, is also avail in the matching perfectly pink…I like the tank tucked into the bottom so you can see the lace to its’ full advantage…..The pant shown above is a new languid softly draped pant in ivory, A349647 . To finish the look…….the faceted glass bead necklace in the pink multi, J360760……………………..Summertime….perfect…………………..enjoy…………….much Love………………………….Louis

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Bernadette

    Hi Louis,

    I hope this message finds you doing well. Do you think the new pink Pompeii necklace will work with this top? I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and went to a support group and everyone was wearing pink… soooo.. I need to add some pink to my closet. 😁😁😁

    Hugs to you!!!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      My Dear Bernadette, my prayers will be with you. I know how just hearing those words can shake you to the core……take a deep breath and believe that all will be well……The Pompeii pink is a very different pink from the Perfectly Pink. I think the Pink Multi faceted glass bead necklace in the picture works much better with the tunic. There are matching pink beads in the necklace.

      1. Bernadette

        Hi Louis,

        Thank you for your words and prayers. I have been very stunned with my diagnosis. I have a younger sister that was also diagnosed last summer with it and an even younger sister that was diagnosed 8 years ago and yet our genetic testing is negative sowing it is not in our genetics. Honestly it has brought out another side of me… one that wants to be more giggly, cracking jokes, and more willing to do things especially with the folks I spend so much time with – my coworkers. Go figure. I’m usually very conservative and by the book. My boyfriend and I are also parting ways so I’m looking for a new place to call home. It certainly is an adventure and now slowly but surely I will fill it with more color. I wish I could buy more but just wait until I’m all better and settled!!!

        Thank you again and I think the world of you Louis. I count you as a friend! πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          Dear Bernadette..I consider you a friend too……buying things is not a priority right now…..only if it helps to make you feel better. I totally understand your new giggly attitude, and willingness to be more adventurous…..why the heck not. I’m sure you are feeling more sensitive to things and the people around you. As for your boyfriend, you can do much better!……When things had a turn for the worse in both Jac and my life, we had an expression that sort of helped us and turned our way of thinking and looking at things in a more positive way….it is just one word, but a word that can open windows………………”NEXT”

          1. Bernadette

            Hi Louis,

            Thank you again. My guy isn’t a bad guy, this has been building and I am staying here for a bit but what’s best is for us not to be together for the long term.

            I feel the same way!… next! πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ€—πŸ€—

  2. Cela


  3. Melissa W

    This is so pretty in pink! So delicate and feminine.

  4. Dawn

    Hi Louis!
    I’m interested in knowing what you think about the PP lace tunic with the PP boho skirt. I ask because I’m not sure whether the balance would be off. My tunics are packed away.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Dawn the Boho skirts do not hang full if you know what I mean. They should look great together. I would suggest a metallic sandal to go with your jewelry. Franco Sarto has beautiful ones and the Charleston Shoe Co. [QVC] has great stretch sandals, not metallic but great anyway.

      1. Dawn

        That’s pretty much what I needed to know. I know the rules with slim pants/ fuller shirt and full pants/ fitted top. I do have metallic sandals. Loving that you are bringing more PP pieces.

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          Dear Dawn, in May there will be P.P. crop pants coming too.

  5. Beth


    This is one of my favorite Linea colors along with scarlet red. Thank you so much for offering this beautiful set in Perfectly Pink! I was wondering if the PP crop pants you mentioned will be A302601 or A341736? Thanks so much for offering PP crop pants, I can’t wait!!

    Thanks for all you do.


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