……………………….INDIGO…………………..is a lovely mid blue….certainly not as vivid as Sapphire, but a soft pleasing color. It a color for those who shy away from color and want something understated. It is a denim friendly color, but really comes to life when worn with the new INDIGO LACE PANT…………….The SILVER TORTUE NECKLACE and EARRING set, J361087,  really highlight this color. The SILVER ROLLER BRACELETS, J390577 finish the look beautifully…..There are two silver shoes I would recommend both by Marc Fisher…….the Argento pump, A352039, and A305367, the silver sandal……………………

enjoy………………much Love……………………Louis

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jackie

    First, I gravitate to all pieces in pebble crepe or crepe gauze fabric. Why? The fabric drapes and flows over my medium size curvy body and i can wear a top all day and it looks fresh. I consider this to be a year round color so I will change my accessories with the season. I live in these tops. Since my hair has a red tone, I am fond of green and have a lot of it in my closet, but when I saw this blue on the model it prompted me to buy this color. I prefer gold jewelry but loved the silver tortue necklace so I bought that too. Both looked so fresh, cool, and clean. I also like the v neck. This is a winner for me.

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