………………………..FLAME……………was one of the very first colors I introduced. There are many women who missed out buying this top in this color because it SOLD OUT in seconds. You know my philosophy is never to bring back old colors….but…I also say….never say never!…..So many of you have asked me to bring the original colors back that I couldn’t refuse. There are also many women who have never seen this top in FLAME so I am happy to revise this beautiful color for you. It starts at the top with a red/orange to red to burgundy at the bottom. Many of my wine bottoms will work if you want to wear it going into the fall………………..Women tend to wear accessories that match or blend, because wearing a contrast color can be challenging………In this case the contrast of the red orange next to the VOODOO necklace set, J391570, is outstanding! The necklace just POPS….in a good way!! The TURQUOISE looks fabulous next to the red orange, and with WHITE pants the whole effected is just wonderful. This color too is avail RIGHT NOW. They quietly posted them without any fanfare…….so I thought I had better give you a HEADS UP!………………….enjoy……………………..much Love……………………………Louis

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. April Kohles

    This top and that necklace were made for each other. What a great look.

  2. vickybliss

    Thank you so much for bringing back some of the colors. I need pink and aqua to complete my collection; I love the lighter tones, especially the pink. Please bring back the PINK next year.

  3. Pratt

    I just ordered the flame. Thanks for showing us this unique color combination. Just gave me an idea for a high school reunion today 😊 mandarin orange jacket with turquoise jewelry.

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