……………………HIBISCUS is one of my ISLAND colors…………..They always look so wonderful growing and blooming up the gleaming white stucco walls of the villas………..It’s one of those colors from nature that can never ever be exactly duplicated, but I continue to try. The color has just the right amount of brightness without looking harsh or garish. The Hibiscus pieces will have SILVER STUDS………..WHITE is the perfect summer compliment, but all colors will work well…..navy, tan, olive and of course black are your basic bottom colors that will all look good……For my more adventurous……..try a color bottom or top, and pull it all together with accessories. The FANTASY FISH in all of there colors can help immensely pulling outfits together. Shown above are the new DISC NECKLACE & EARRING SET….and the reorder MARDI GRAS NECKLACE in the new SILVER! I love the top with the LINEA WHITE DENIM SHORTS…..second in from upper right…………………………enjoy…………………….much Love………………………Louis