………………………It isn’t always easy to mix colors or try color blocking and come out with an elegant sophisticated result………..BLACK, WHITE…..and PALE HEATHER GREY is full proof!. It is clean, and very simple, but packs a punch…..Now you may ask….why is he teasing us with the SCYTHE NECKLACE SET in the Silver and Black when he knows it’s SOLD OUT????? It’s not a tease….it’s coming back….and a new color will be added….The tease is….it won’t be here until this Fall……………….What is here is the SILVER TORTUE necklace and earring set, J361087…….One of my favorite spring/ summer color combinations is a pale grey with white. It is just so refreshing, and something you don’t often see women wearing. I think that is so, because the grey pieces aren’t always that available……This is a time-less color in two timeless outfits…………forever pieces……………………..enjoy…………..much Love………………….Louis