As I look out my window, typing this message, I see the beautiful Long Island Sound. It’s calm and sparkly from the sun shinning on it. I  know only to well how a hurricane can change this serene peaceful view in a turbulent scary sight. My Prayers and thoughts are with all of my Ladies, friends, relatives and their family members as Dorian approaches. I hope you are all making safe choices. Remember…..it is always better to be overly cautious than sorry………………………much Love…………………………Louis

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Sylvia

    Yes, we on the Gulf Coast are watching. We know that hurricanes can be unpredictable. I hope it will veer towards the east and stay in the Atlantic. I hope all will be safe!

  2. Yvette

    Thanks for your prayers, Louis! We on the Gulf Coast are keeping a wary eye on Dorian as well, since the forecasters can’t rule out the possibility of Dorian moving across the state of Florida into the Gulf. They are really having trouble forecasting the track on this one. I love where I live, but I dread this time of year!

  3. Karen in WI

    I am thinking of all the Linea Ladies and their families that are in the path of this storm. Praying for everyone’s safety and well being. Love and hugs!

  4. Cela

    I hope everyone will be at peace, and I pray for their safety. It’s a frightening thing storms maybe even more so than earthquakes, which are over so quickly
    by comparison.

  5. Cela

    I know what would make us all feel better Louis,
    I know it’s a serious issue, hurricane Dorian, but I couldn’t
    resist !

  6. Melissa W

    Thanks Louis! It’s a beautiful day here too, although very hot. Calm before the storm.

    I think since we’re on the west coast of Florida, we’ll be fine. I’m mostly worried about rain (as we’ve had so much already so the ground is saturated) and wind knocking down trees and power lines. That happened with Irma and we were stuck at home for five days without power. No big deal. Compared to others, we were very lucky.

    Stocked up on water, wine, snacks and plenty of food for the dogs.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to those that are in its path. So unpredictable…

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