………….I can not wait a second longer to thank all of you for you lovely and kind messages. I want you to know that I am very happy with my decision. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I also want you to fully understand that in no way am I retiring! I’m will just not be taking that awful drive down to QVC anymore. I never have to see the Sheraton Hotel in Frazer again though I must thank the staff for being so wonderful these past 19 1/2 years. I won’t have to eat at the Outback by myself, which is the only restaurant within miles of the hotel! It’s a good thing they have decent salmon!…..Of course there are things that I will miss like explaining the clothes to all of you, but I can do that right here!!! I will miss not seeing the models, but we will make plans to see each other! We will meet in the city and see Broadway shows, and they all want to come to my house. We will be in touch. I will make sure of that…….SO….I will be here in what Jac called “our own separate peace”, enjoying looking out my windows, as I’m doing right now,  looking at the sea. I’ll be working from my 3rd floor studio, looking at the sea, and designing wonderful clothes, jewelry and hosiery for my friends……….What could be better than that!!!!!………So please don’t in any way feel sad for me. I’m happy as a clam surrounded by all of our things that Jac and I have collected over these many many years, doing what I love to do…….If you want me…..I’m right here 24/7…..What could be better than that!!!!!……………………………………………………………………

…………………………………much Love to all of you……………………Louis

This Post Has 42 Comments

  1. luvitorleaveit

    Dear Louis, I am so happy for you and knowing that you feel very happy is worth it’s weight in gold. I will miss your presence but what you bring to us totally represents and speaks for itself. Thinking about my own daily commute to work the one thing that is probably keeping me going and hanging in there are my beautiful Linea fashions and jewelry which I plan to wear whether I am working and well into my retired years, when that day comes for me hopefully sooner than later and I too will exhale in relief. Wishing you all the best on your own time and schedule and beautiful scenery!

  2. JBCinSF

    Just one more comment from me on this subject, Louis.

    By agreeing to design for QVC and making the trip to PA to show your clothing, you made it possible for the love of your life, Jac, to do what she loved way beyond the age women are usually able to model. You do what you love, design, as she continued to do what she loved, model. You honored her by giving her a showcase for her talents in your beautiful designs. I’m sure she was thankful.

    The equation has changed and you are also making changes. We are grateful that you will still be designing for us.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear JBCinSF….you almost have it right…..Jac happily retired from modeling, and had no plans to ever model again. When we did our first show in Paradise Island for QVC, almost 20 years ago, one of the models didn’t show up, and They were going to use a grip to fill in. I told Jac about the situation and she reluctantly said she would fill if, but she really didn’t want to. They said on air that Jac was my wife. The reaction was so positive that QVC asked me if she would model for my shows being introduced as my wife. I didn’t think she would say yes, but she said since she was going to travel with me anyway she may as well be with me at QVC. She agreed under 2 conditions. 1- she would not do it at the expense of another model losing her job, and 2- she did not want to get paid, which QVC was very happy to agree with. Modeling at QVC was in no way like what she was used to traveling the world, and only did it for me. I was the one who was thankful.

  3. designista

    Congratulations Louis on taking control of your life and doing what you truly enjoy! We have all grown to love you for the individual dear man that you are. That friendship goes beyond your design expertise and wonderful stories. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
    With much love and gratitude, Alyce

  4. InStitches49

    Louis, I just now had time to read the news of your choosing to not be on-air anymore at QVC. While we will miss seeing you there, I totally understand your decision. My husband and I are retirement age and are active but in our own way and at our own speed. (Personally I don’t like driving even in my own town anymore because everyone goes too fast!) I’m enjoying so many of your beautiful fashions, both the old pieces and the new ones such as the blouses in three of the colors. I look forward to your next creations. And if I had a view of the ocean every day as you do, I’d be in heaven because my favorite place is by the ocean. Wishing you many, many wonderful days in your “own separate peace” as your sweet Jac called it.

  5. Jen

    Your post was lovely and brought tears to my eyes. I’m sure the trip hasn’t been easy without Jac. All of us only want the best for YOU. I too work out of my home so I know firsthand what you are saying. You have been so brave through your journey and I think it is so nice of you how you explain everything to us. I don’t know of too many designers who would be so thoughtful like you have been to us over the years. Jennifer does such a wonderful job on air and I feel great
    relying on her to show the product. I always follow your blog and watch for sneak peeks so I will feel confident in buying in the future. Being home and working are one of the best things in the world! Many blessings to you and thank you for all you do!

  6. Diane

    I know that feeling of having the weight lifted off your shoulders… it means you did the right thing. See you on FB and your blog.
    Enjoy life at your beautiful home and watch the waves washing in new ideas.

  7. Joyce Adams

    Louis, my boss, the president of the company, had to go to QvC to present our products on air. She said she did not need me or anyone else to go with her. Well, she was unpleasantly surprised to learn she was responsible for setting things up, arranging the set, and making sure everything was ready with no help! I remember she looked beautiful in her pink Chanel suit, but she was exhausted by the time she was on air. I’m sure things are not so brutal for you as you are established and respected, but I have never forgotten her experience and think of all that goes into the preparation for “on air”. I have felt bad knowing you have been alone these last two years and am happy and understand your decision. Looking forward to the shows next week.

  8. Ursula J. St.Louis

    It would be so nice to hear, from time to time, how things are going and to hear when your next fashions will be shown on QVC.

    I have been a color consultant for clients’ clothing colors as well as cosmetic colors for 30 years.

    Fashion has always been around me. My Mom used to sew the inside pockets in quality men’s suits. She was meticulous and used to design her own clothes and sew for her and me. Back in her day, her high school Home Ed Teacher wanted her to go on to Fashion Design School in the Boston area. Sadly, she was before her time and had a very strict Italian father who thought a woman’s place was in her home. He meant well.

    My Dad used to sell shoes and then men’s clothing in a high-end men’s store in MA. He started there very young and stayed with them for over 40 years, part-time, as he worked in a managerial position at Raytheon. He was so good at putting outfits together that many of the officers in the company would call him and say, “Ben, can you put some outfits together for me?” He would bring them to Raytheon and everyone loved how good he was at it. He always looked great as did my Mom.

    So, I guess it’s in my blood to love fashion and color. I can even remember my sweet Italian Grandmother telling me when I was quite young that when you sit down to eat, what’s in your plate should be “colorful”. That was the exact word she used. She said if it was “colorful”, then. It was nutritious. Sooo true!

    You can see why color is such a part of my life. I used to sew all my clothes. Would go to ,my secretarial job at 18, and while working would also be planning on what I was going to make to wear to work the next day. It’s in my blood.

    Enough about me. Will look forward to your next show. How nice if you could be there, too, on Skype or by video conferencing…whatever. The Q should think of doing that. They did a show with Harry Slatkin and his candles at Harry’s home.

    How nice that the models will be visiting you at your home. Sounds like a beautiful home…not just a house, but a home.

    Well, heading to my little studio in our home to work on my color system for some new color palette ideas.

    Hope you’ll have some more “petite” fashions. Not enough designers offer “petite”.

    Glad you’re feeling so good about your decision and that you have a load off your shoulders.

    Wishing you a wonderful week, Louis.

    God Bless.

  9. Kaye Smith

    Dear Louis, Count me among the MANY who will miss your presentations at QVC! You have always conducted yourself like a gentleman, and one worth admiration. Your designs are amazing, made with the highest quality, and timeless classics! Thank you for continuing your line. I look forward to hearing updates from your new presenter! God bless!

  10. Sierra

    Louis – yes, follow that siren call. Jac calling to you, woven through the sound of the sea.

    The videos from your home have been lovely. Like a peek at your designs in their natural habitat.

    Also,JBCinSF – you articulated something very apt to my job situation. Great way of expressing it!

  11. Pamela

    Dear Louis, I too am so happy for you! You have made such a difference to us all. I mean who would have ever thought…a renowned designer would become such an integral part of my life. I was head to toe Linea today…I usually am and so many compliments. I don’t know why in my mind, all those years , I imagined you had a driver. I also thought that you probably had meals with friends made there. I never do much social media or leave reviews, but I shall try to start, as I must see you live. Thank you Louis.!! Sincerely, Pamela in the sunny south.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Pamela, for all of those years Jac and I would drive down together, and had that time for us. We never even considered having someone drive us. It was out uninterrupted time together and we loved that time shared.Sometimes we had dinner with Angela and her husband Billy, but mostly we were by ourselves. Since Jac passed I have had some dinners with friends, but most of the time I just rested in my room for the day ahead. It just became very lonely. Time to stop the world and get off…

  12. Cathy Morton

    I respect and understand your decision and wish you the best. I will miss “seeing” you, but look forward to viewing you on facebook. Perhaps you could give us a heads up on the blog as well as facebook so we will be sure to catch you. Thanks for still “being there” for us. Blessings!

  13. Ann aka TourEiffel

    Dear Louis —

    I’m just now catching up on your BIG news. Congratulations on making this decision!

    Just have to say that I’m relieved and happy to hear that you’ll continue to design. I’ll wear your designs until you stop designing, which I hope is no time soon! I’ve learned a lot about fashion from you over the years and feel stylishly dressed in your clothes (and jewelry).

    Thank you for being so open and available to us — we all appreciate your responsiveness, suggestions, and advice more than words can express.

    Finally, I’ll miss seeing you on TV — I love your explanations about the clothes and styling suggestions. But I completely understand what a hassle it is to get to QVC and everything that goes along with those trips. Too bad QVC doesn’t have a studio in NY for situations like this!

    With much love,

  14. DeLois Basler

    Louis I understand as I lost my husband 11 years ago….. it is not good in any way but a new beginning and I feel his presence and guidance still.
    I hope that you will be back on the air sometime maybe for an anniversary or such as we will miss the knowledge that you impart every time you are on the air. I have a background which includes clothing construction and tailoring and I think we are really losing a lot of this knowledge and proper terminology. God bless and I look forward to your wonderful designs!

  15. Nikki

    You are best!!! I look froward to all your beautiful creations. Thank you for making me dress beautifully!

  16. Jackie

    Your message says it all. Peace with decision made. Relief to have stress and unpleasantness behind you. Joy with your surroundings, work and create at home, and stay in touch with the Linea ladies and Q models and friends. Sounds like a good plan to me!

  17. JBCinSF

    I think we all try to invest our time in what we do best. You do not drive on I-95 better than anyone else nor spend the night at the Sheraton better than the rest. While you do explain your beautiful clothing and how to create outfits better than anyone else, nothing says you can do that only from the QVC studio.

    What you have done best for many decades is design wonderful clothing. Not having to spend several days in making the grueling trip to QVC means you have more time to invest in your unique talent. I look forward to many more years of enjoying the fruits of your creativity.

  18. Vicki

    Dearest Louis

    I am so happy for you I understand your decision although I will miss hearing your voice .. and your stories ..but it is time for you to do whatever you want and just be happy wishing you peaceand happiness

    Much love back to you


  19. Grace

    Dear Louis, I think we’re all breathing a sigh of relief to hear it from you directly that you are not retiring. ( Leave it to QVC to muddy the waters! ) This decision makes perfect sense and you are doing what many of us have chosen to do, as well–work from home! Nothing better for quality of life and happiness, even if we don’t have your beautiful, serene view of LI Sound. Enjoy your new lifestyle. xoxo

  20. Deirdre


    I am just learning of your decision to step back from doing live presentations at QVC. I understand your decision completely. Life is too short to force oneself to do things that deplete the spirit. You will be so much happier putting this particular drudgery behind you. As always, I look forward to connecting here.



  21. Sheesh

    Oh, Louis, after reading this I feel so much better. Your happiness means everything…….


  22. Linda in AZ

    Louis…it sounds perfect! It is a well-deserved respite from the rat race. We will be there with you, through the blog and Facebook. Hugs from Linda in AZ.

  23. Carolyn

    Peace in ones heart brings good things. Congratulations on your decision.

  24. Stephanie

    All the best, Louis! I love Goldie’s notion of “The Happy Clam in the Atelier-by-the Sea.” ( or “Sound” as it were. Many blessing!

  25. Foxie2

    Your post sounds as if you have found peace in our less than perfect world. I’m happy for you!

  26. Elaine

    Hello Louis,
    Much love right back to you!
    Very happy that you are happy.

  27. diane228

    Louis-We all wish you peace and all the happiness in the world. Thanks again for all the
    beauty you bring to “the Linea ladies.”

  28. Kathy/Wis

    I’m glad you no longer will have the stress of the trips to QVC. Yes, we will miss seeing you doing the shows but knowing your in your beautiful home enjoying the things you hold dear is what’s best for you.
    I’ll think of you when we have our fireplace going and maybe a glass of Port that your doing the same thing.
    My caramel blazer arrived last week just in time for Fall weather. It is so well tailored all the plaids match and the fit is perfect.
    Thank you, much love

  29. Gail in PA

    The ocean draws and inspires even people who don’t live by it. When I want to feel the sea I listen to Claude Debussy’s “La Mer.”
    My very best to you as you continue your journey.


    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      The sound of the waves puts me to sleep…..even in the winter I sleep with the window cracked open just enough for me to hear the water. It can get cold, but I like sleeping under lots of blankets and quilts. I think of the old days when there was no such thing as heat, and they slept in caps, with heavy curtains around their beds to keep the drafts out, and bed warmers. It’s a good thing both Jac and I liked the cold.

  30. Somersault

    Louis, I am sooooo happy that burden has been lifted from your shoulders! No more anxiety, no more dreading the drive, no more poor sleeping, no more exhaustion! Clear sailing ahead. Maybe, you will have the time to do some watercolors or painting! This is all about you and not about us! Jennifer does a great job with the videos and you are getting the hang of it as well. In fact, I loved the last one you did from your home with Jennifer and the plaid blazer. It was so much more personal than being on TV. It was as if you had come to visit me which was lovely. I am delighted to welcome you into my home as well as my heart, dear friend. Your future is bright and sunny with all good things coming your way. Your home is beautiful, warm, inviting, just like you and Jac. Your view of the sound is magnificent and constantly changing and then there is the garden that is bountiful in it’s beauty. It would be hard for me to leave it if it were mine. So dearest friend, I look forward to our next visit as well as all the new designs you are bringing to us! Enjoy your well earned peace! Big hugs and much love! oxoxoxoxox Cat

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Cat…..I’m going to have Jennifer teach me how to do live face book chats from my phone so I can do them more often. I won’t have to wait for Jen to come from PA.

  31. Sarah

    I agree that Karla said it beautifully.
    It’s very hard to step off the merry-go-round while it is spinning, but
    once you take control and stop it- you can take a breath and step off confidently.
    Then do whatever you want, when you want. I used to have a horrendous drive over a 24 mile
    bridge that was detrimental to my health. Once I decided to stop the merry-go-round I was able to breath again.
    A lot of people did not understand my decision, but my friends did and supported me. You have a beautiful garden, view and a home.
    I’m glad you will be sharing it with your girls and will keep designing and writing to us. Your Family, friends and Linea Ladies are very
    supportive of you.

  32. April

    You did what you had to do for YOU, and anyone with a heart and a brain gets it. My beautiful caramel jacket arrived a few days ago , the weather finally changed, and I’ve already worn it out as my go to piece 3 times. My super hip NYC son is here visiting this wknd, and when he saw me in it, he remarked, “That’s a really cool jacket, Mom.” That’s all I needed. You must do what YOU need. xoxo

  33. Sarah

    I agree that Karla said it beautifully.
    It’s very hard to step off the merry-go-round while it is spinning, but
    once you take control and stop it- you can take a breath and step off confidently.
    Then do whatever you want, when you want. I used to have a horrendous drive over a 24 mile
    bridge that was detrimental to my health. Once I decided to stop the merry-go-round I was able to breath again.
    A lot of people did not understand my decision, but my friends did and supported me. You have a beautiful garden, view and a home.
    I’m glad you will be sharing it with your girls and will keep designing and writing to us. Your Family, friends and Linea Ladies are very
    supportive of you.

  34. Melissa W

    Q’s choice of words were poor and misleading.

    Karla said it perfectly!
    I’m happy you chose to do what’s right for you and happy you’ll still be here for us. 😊

    Have a wonderful Sunday.

  35. Goldie76

    Ah, Louis. Your work environment is perfect for a creative designer. I can see it now: Linea – Designed by the Happy Clam in the Atelier-by-the-Sea. All the best to you. You will surge with a creative force in your new situation — and I will miss seeing you present — but you will be going on. That is what is important. You will go on and be happy and content as you do so. Jac will infuse you with creative energy from the beautiful things in the home you chose together.

  36. Jane J.

    Good morning, Louis, I always know I have made the right decision when I have that very distinct feeling of a weight having been lifted from my shoulders. So, good for you! Wishing you much peace and love.

  37. Karla Homich

    Your post makes my heart sing for you! Of course we will miss seeing you “Live”, but it’s worth it knowing you are not having to make the grueling trip AND we still can visit with you here. Thanks as always for being so kind and open with us. Karla

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