……………………………Queen Victoria, after her husband Prince Albert died at an early age, only wore black until she died. Many pieces of her jewelry were black also……Black Jet and Black Enameling were pieces of jewelry that she often wore. She made them very popular…..The Victoriana pieces above are enameled in BLACK with the antique gold……..I think these pieces are the most feminine and delicate looking pieces I have done….though they still have a strong presence, which is a hallmark of all Linea jewelry. It goes without saying that these pieces are made beautifully…….I love the antique quality of these pieces….like something you would find in an antique shoppe in London………………………….enjoy………………………………much Love…………………………Louis

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Ruth

    I have some pieces of “Mourning Jewelry” I inherited from my British grandmother who lived in Victorian England. They are silver and jet. Your pieces are every bit as beautiful.

  2. Debra T1

    Hi Louis,
    The Victorian jewelry is beyond stunning, but I’m writing today to ask about the black top photographed with the jewelry. I have a raspberry WK sweater with that neckline/collar, and I LOVE it! Is that the top pictured here, or is it something new?
    Debra T1

  3. Chris/Jazzmom

    From what I have read about Prince Albert, historians think he died of undiagnosed colon cancer. This really is a very pretty jewelry set. Almost look like it could come from an estate sale.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      I have never read that Chris. I always thought it was a reoccurring case of Malaria…..The Victoriana jewelry definitely looks like estate sale jewelry!

  4. Karen in WI

    Louis, I really like the Victorian, antique look of this necklace. Victorian architecture is my favorite. Goodness it is hard to choose jewelry this season as there is so much! QVC should really have another jewelry show.

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