………………………………..I believe I have introduced you to enough GUNMETAL over the years that it is almost an expected choice in Linea Jewelry………It is certainly for the discerning…..those who like to go off the beaten track and try something new!……The combination of Gunmetal and Crystal has a very MODERN look, yet also has an antique quality. The Crystals really stand out against the Gunmetal………………………….I know those of you who select this combination will enjoy its’ special quality………………..en joy……………..much Love………………….Louis

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Karen in WI

    Louis, I really like the antique look of the gunmetal and crystals. I had wanted the gunmetal and crystal pearl pin you did awhile ago, but it was sold out so I got the gold, which is beautiful too. Not missing out on the gunmetal this time!

  2. Karen in W

    Louis, I really like the antique look of the gunmetal and crystals. I had wanted the gunmetal and crystal pearl pin you did awhile ago, but it was sold out so I got the gold, which is beautiful too. Not missing out on the gunmetal this time!

  3. Cela

    I love this length, and saw it on the web thinking it would also be pretty doubled,
    for a more casual look.
    The easy clips are a must have. If they come in all the colors, I want ‘em all!!!

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