…………Be creative when you drape, and add your own finishing touches to you choir! Check the top row second photo in. It shows the bottom of the cardboard base cut away……..Enjoy making your Heavenly Choir……………………..love Louis

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. bighairgal

    Dear Louis,
    Thank you for this How To! I am busy right now but will start one or two of these after Christmas. Thanks for sharing, love these little angels.
    much love,

  2. Sallie Dohogne

    Thanks so much, Louis, for taking the time to give the instructions(plus diagrams) for creating these exquisite and spectacular angels. I will definitely give it a try! Don’t think I’ll be up to making as many as you, but they would make special gifts to dear friends who appreciate gifts “made with love”. May you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year.

  3. Pecan Cookie

    Dear Louis,
    This is awesome! Thanks so much for taking the time to jot this all down. Your angels look fabulous. Not only will I try this but I think with a few changes I might make the three kings too. Just have to find wire since I don’t keep wire hangers around. Thank you for this gift!

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      I get my wire hangers from the dry cleaners when I get my shirts done…..LOL otherwise they get thrown out

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