……………………….Why did I choose the name SANTA FE?………….There was something about the rustic SUEDE cord in the GOLD WASHED BROWN color that reminded me of the south west. The LODEN PEARLS and FACETED GLASS beads are the color of cactus……With each piece I design I feel it should have a purpose and a difference from anything else Linea you may own……………This is a very unusual torsade, and a wonderful addition to your Linea collection. It is posted on the Linea Jewelry QVC site for all other information……………………………………………..

enjoy………………..much Love…………………….Louis

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Penelope Z Andrews

    Hi Louis…I just wanted to say that I think the “new way” is great…I enjoy your Facebook videos, your blog, and think that, when your associate does a live presentation on QVC, it is fine. All together, I think that your fans have more now than we did before you decided not to travel to QVC. I am a happy fan! Thank you for thinking of us!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Penelope…that is our goal. Before all of the exposure I got was the QVC show, and mostly not at great hours. This way, with the videos you can get a close up and personal look at everything we are doing….and WHEN WE WANT TO!!! Remember we have another LIVE FACEBOOK presentation on Friday, Jan. 30th. Jennifer and i will announce the time, but I’m guessing around 2 or 2:30pm. Plus you can watch them over and over and over!

  2. Debra

    So sad that we won’t be seeing you presenting your beautiful clothing anymore. Your brand ambassador is not appealing nor does she sell them well.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Debra….sorry you feel that way. At my age I decided I did not want to travel to QVC anymore by myself and stay in a hotel room. It just got too depressing. I am much happier working from home, and having my meetings in the NYC office. You can always see me on my face book videos which we will be doing, at least trying to do, once a month……which is just the same amount of time I got to do QVC shows. I have to say the face book videos are much more informative and show everything much better because I control the presentation.

  3. luvitorleaveit

    Beautiful and unique Louis, love the loden color!!!

  4. Melissa W

    I love this Louis! Very unique and cool! Thanks for the sneak peek!

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