I have learned today that QVC is implementing new restrictions due to the virus. There will be less people allowed on set and in the entire building. There will be only 2 models per show allowed. Also we can not special order any additional clothing or shoes to style the shows because there will be a limited number of people working, and only the styles that are scripted in the show will be pulled……What does this mean? It means I will not be able to present the type of show I normally would using only 2 models, and with limited pieces of clothing to style the shows. No special shoes will be avail other than those in the models closet…..but…..we will all do our very best until this virus has been defeated and the restrictions are lifted……thank you for understanding….Louis

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Sheesh

    No worries, Louis, we’ll use our imagination. I hope you are staying “socially isolated”–and that means no more Live Shows from Chez Louis. It’s more important for you to stay safe!


  2. Michelle


    Thank you for the update. We all understand that safety comes first during this difficult time. We also have your wonderful pictures here on the blog to assist us in our purchases, for which I’m always grateful!

    I hope that you and all of the Linea ladies are staying safe and well.


  3. Anonymous

    I certainly understand – no worries! Once again, I am soooo thankful for this blog. All your ideas are so nicely documented and easily searched. Now that you are posting videos here as well, this is my number 1 source of information on your designs. Thank you for all you do and stay well! So glad you are all set up already to work remotely!!

  4. CGee

    With social isolation over the next two weeks I think there will be even more viewers for QVC–we may add a new crop of Linea Ladies. Your beautiful clothes are sure to cheer us all up!

  5. Sarah

    Dear Louis
    Thanks so much for the update. I know you and
    your team will do your best to present your vision. Along with
    your helpful blog photos and hints will all be
    My cruise was cancelled so I plan on dressing up in my new
    treasures from you. Heck I might even wear one outfit during
    the day and then change for dinner in my house.
    The beautiful Jac’s blouses and once my sapphire jacket arrives will
    brighten up my spirits.
    Hopefully this crisis will be over soon.

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