……………………This Memorial Day, like all others, we will honor all of the men and women who have fought and given their lives to keep this nation free since this great country was created……This Memorial Day is also a special one….It is the first Memorial day, hopefully the last, that we are living through this pandemic……However, not all of us have been so lucky. So, today I will also be remembering those who have fought on the front lines….the Warriors of the pandemic, and those who have lost the battle fighting for all of us to survive…………………………God Bless them all

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Cela

    Thank God for rights that we have unlike any other country on earth. Civil rights protected by law. Thanks to all the brave soldiers that willingly laid down their lives, so all of us can enjoy these rights. I’m feeling very grateful today and will be one of many playing taps at 3:30🇺🇸

  2. Ingrid

    Perfect message. Thank you, Louis

    Ingrid P. RN

  3. Elaine

    With love and gratitude to ALL!

  4. Diane Shellenhamer

    God bless them all ! Enjoy your day !!

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