………………………………..Who would have ever thought, this past Jan 1st, what would have been in store for us this year!!!! With the beginning of each new year we are all hopeful that this year to come will be one of the best ever. It has turned out to be one of the worst ever!……There is an expression that the older I get the more it has become true…….” Men make plans, and God laughs”……

I was so looking forward to going to Africa this August with my nephew. It was a trip I had planned to take with Jac, but it never happened. This time I was all ready…….Then the virus hit in Feb……..We thought….well the trip isn’t until the end of Aug…..certainly by then all will be well enough to go…..Anything is furthest from the truth. The airlines that were booked kept changing the flights, and many borders in Africa are still closed……..Now hundreds of Elephants in Botswana are mysteriously dying! It’s all so heart breaking. The human life that has been lost due to the virus, and the lives lost due to police brutality is simply unbelievable……….”What is God’s plan?”……………….Jac used to call our small plot of land with our secluded cozy house on the Long Island Sound, the home she loved so much, ” our own separate peace”. Little did she know, nor could she have imagined what a refuge it has become. I have stopped listening to the news, and have basically blocked the world outside. Of course it does manage to penetrate my sanctum no matter how much I try to escape it…………..

This Independence Day there is a revolution going on in this country and around the world. There is such unrest, and upheaval, such unlawfulness, while good people are trying to finally make a change for justice………On this July 4th one can’t help but ask, “how will it all end…..what is God’s plan that we can’t see”…….For God’s sake….be safe….wear your masks and practice social distancing. No matter how they are trying to open the country up…..BE SMART! Your life depends on it….Don’t think you can out smart this virus! The spikes that are happening in many states around the country prove that……………….God Bless Everyone……………..much Love………….Louis

This Post Has 18 Comments


    LOUIS– Hope you had a happy 4th and your annual hot dog was all you anticipated it would be! I much appreciated your thoughtful comments on the state of our country at this distressing time, as they reflect many of my own feelings. Unfortunately I am living in a largely rural area where the majority of residents and voters genuflect to the divider in chief and think it is their Constitutional right to sneeze in your face and wearing a mask makes you a “wuss.” Some of them even have gone so far as to call Dr. Fauci a “vermin” on social media! Thankfully our Maryland governor, Larry Hogan, has been very cautious about re-opening and listens to the medical experts at Johns Hopkins.

    Another sympton of the current pandemic is an epidemic of lies and hatred in our public discourse– especially in my local area. A local elected official with a strong track record of accomplishments was defeated in the primary by an uneducated woman who has never held a full time job of any kind but pledged allegiance to the national incumbent and a “Freedom Caucus” Congressman who financed her campaign. Lies, name-calling and slander were the order of the day. I’ve been around politics at the state and national level all my life but I’ve never seen anything like what has been going on this year (and for the past 3).
    We all need a way to clear our minds and for me, after I read that in Australia– which had an early and stringent “lockdown” that helped slow spread of the virus– the top diversion during stay home orders was watching all eight seasons of “McLeod’s Daughters”– one of the most popular TV shows in Aussie history. So I found it on Amazon Prime and just completed a nearly month-long binge of about 250 hours of the series! Lots of sheep shearing, cattle musters, and a bit of soap opera mixed in. A perfect diversion to clear the mind of all the negativity.

    I belatedly found your anniversary memories and wanted to thank you for your kind “shout out” to me. I’m so glad I was able to help a bit in your time of need when the Q made its dumb– and ultimately rescinded– decision to terminate the Linea line. I’ve been out of touch in the forums, and here, for a while and coping with family health issues but everything is looking up now. I’ve still been buying Linea– and especially the fabulous jewelry– all along and, as usual anything “green” comes home to my closet. I really need to convert a spare bedroom into my Linea-only closet! Keep doing all you do to make life more beautiful for your Linea Ladies and take care of yourself!– BLINDDOGS (Nancy)

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Nancy….I am so so happy to hear from you. Though we have never met I feel such a kinship and friendship with you. When I didn’t hear from you, and some others who were regulars, I get worried that something has happen. I’m sorry to hear of the family health issues….there is nothing worse then losing our health and the health of those we love……I know how you are feeling about those people who in plain English are just plain STUPID…There I’ve said it…..Members of my own family have the total opposite views and opinions that I do. We simply agree not to discuss it. It has only ended up badly and everyone retreats to their corners. When I see people being interviewed spouting that they are American and that gives them the right to do what they want even if that means them refusing to wear a mask I just get infuriated. Why can’t they get it through their thick heads it has nothing to do with being an American! It has all to do with keeping this airborne virus from spreading! This isn’t about politics this is about a pandemic, but maybe they don’t know what this word means. Let’s face it these people are following their leader even if he takes them to the edge of the precipice. Our leader casts a very dark shadow.

  2. Cathy in PA

    Dear Louis,

    Happy 4th of July to you also. Glad to hear you got your hot dogs and a delicious dinner to go with; I know Jac was pleased and proud of you, and watching over you and with you. We are taking all this very seriously as well, and worry so, trying to keep as balanced as we can. The beauty you and Jac have brought to our lives has meant so much to me and to Walter. I’ve been very busy tending my pots of lettuce, peppers and tomatoes outside, what with Walter and his broken ankle. We had a “remote” birthday party for a close friend this week; they dropped hot ribs, corn, beans etc. on our porch, picked up the chocolate cake with whipped cream/cream cheese frosting from my porch, and we called each other after dinner :). On the 4th we were treated to a rare event since quarantine: Our daughter and grandson came to visit for the day, masked and as much social distancing as we could manage. She brought fabulous home made tamales, so we had a delicious treat. She also brought her 2 dogs; added to mine, we had a little circus. Bailey the old hound dog managed to raid the trash AND steal a tamale, and shared it with the other 2 dogs LOL. Filled my heart that when our grandson left (he’s a tall, lanky 13!), he was so angry, exclaiming “DARN VIRUS! I can’t hug my grandmother!!!! VACCINE NOW” … difficult, but yet to know I have that much love from a 13 year old gives me hope for the future of our world. Stay safe, stay well, stay sane friends; the world needs you all.

  3. Anonymous

    Hi Louis!
    I caught up with your holiday message this morning. I was busy hosting my son’s family yesterday (outdoors) for my granddaughter’s 4th birthday. It was a perfect pool day, with slip ‘n slide and croquet mixed in between. We indulged in a piece of birthday cake and for a few hours it seemed all was normal. DH was tuning up our bikes so we can safely get out into the world a bit. Never did I imagine my first year of retirement would go this way. I had all kinds of travel plans. I have turned to reading light-hearted books, puzzles, walking, prayer and gardening for peace. Reading your blog is a daily ritual! I love this space! I have been playing a lot, as per your tutelage! I thank you for this wonderful blessing in my life! ❤️

  4. Kathy/wis

    Happy 4th of July Louis
    We stayed home today, I gave my flower beds a little attention and just enjoyed our yard and the flowers. I enjoy the pictures of your beautiful flowers and yard I think it brings us much peace to just be with nature. Like so many others the news is turned off instead we watch the sunset.
    Today we learned that we will be Grandparents for the first time, may we all pray for peace for this world and may God Bless America.

  5. Jackie

    Happy 4th to Louis and all the ladies!
    We too decided to stay home-away from crowds of people. Hot dogs, Cole slaw, chips, dip, and a gin and tonic were on the menu. We are secluded on our Wisconsin farm. I have a white picket fence that encloses a butterfly garden and today I tended to it. I also have a large snapdragon garden-the bees love them. My favorite summer bird, the house wren, have babies in their houses and I keep the barn open because the barn swallows swoop in and out also tending to their babies. I am with you Louis, other than headlines and some financial news, I have removed myself from all that robs me of my joy. My great grandparents who immigrated here would be appalled and disgusted with the bad behavior and disrespect of some Americans. I was so happy to see that the Q featured the R. Riveter military inspired business this weekend. It is a great business story.
    Well…enjoy our ice cream, moon light view, and perhaps a fireworks or two.

  6. Goldie76

    I ate two. My intention is to eat one hot dog, but I always eat two.

  7. Goldie76

    Happy Fourth of July, Louis! May God bless America! We certainly need some blessings right now, and receiving them from “The Top” is more than an urgent appeal.

    You and I are on similar hot dog intake plans, and so I hope you enjoy your hot dog today as I hope to enjoy mine.

  8. Terri H

    Happy 4th of July to you Louis! I have to tell you, your wonderful designs have been the bright spot throughout the pandemic. I pray daily for everyone and our country, that soon this scourge will be a thing of the past with a vaccine. I have faith in American ingenuity and our wonderful scientists working throughout our country. I have faith in our country that allows us so much and I am not giving up on our nation! Hoping that things can get back to some sort of normality for us all. I look forward to wearing some of my newer Linea fashions. Heaven knows I am running out of closet space here in Texas and is spilling over into our home in the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina. God bless you Louis and know there are many of us out here, sending you a virtual hug today.

  9. Carol

    I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m going to be cancelling our trip to Peru that is scheduled for the end of October. I’m having the same issue with flights changing, and as of now Peru’s borders are closed. Being a neighbor of Brazil, it’s especially scary. I can reschedule for next year. Hopefully, we’ll be looking at most of this virus problem from the safety of a vaccine by then.

    I’m making homemade lemonade today from the lemon tree in our backyard, grilling hamburgers and making roasted potato salad, roasted Brussels sprout with goat cheese and pickled red onions, and a Caprese salad. No dessert for us. And no fireworks here. The last thing we need are some wildfires!

    We usually have a potluck block party in my neighborhood for the 4th, but not this year. I feel sorry for the children and all they’re continuing to miss out on this year. Let’s hope they can enjoy next 4th of July in all it’s spectacle.

  10. Chris/Jazzmom

    Good morning Louis,

    Happy 4th to you.

    I consider our home to be a refuge from all the horrible things happening now. I spend a lot of my time reading news or watching TV shows. I still do the gardening and this year managed to get 2 crops out of my lettuce (so far). My DH loves looking at all my garden backyard handiwork. Right now it is so warm outside, doing errands in a mask isn’t easy but it must be done. I tell friends: Mask it or casket! We haven’t seen friends or relatives in months nor have we done take out. We do Zoom or Skype with our eldest son and DIL and we do semi weekly reading bedtime stories over zoom to our GS who will be 2 next month. That is what is keeping us sane. He will be too young to remember all this.

  11. Elaine

    Louis, wishing you and all the Linea Ladies a safe and healthy holiday.

    Been trying to be mindful of the important things in life these many months and very grateful that my family and friends have been healthy.
    Your videos have been a welcome distraction and it’s good to SEE you! I’ve been cutting Dan’s hair, not to bad either! LOL

    I was happy that my parish opened last week, it’s a large church just off Bleecker Street and it easy to keep a safe distance from other parishioners.

    Will you be enjoying your annual Hot Dog today?
    Take care and thank you, Elaine

    P.S. One of the days you should turn the video camera on Your Man Friday, Lou. Would love to see him!!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Elaine….I certainly am! I’m going to He– with myself today. I’m having my hot dogs with ROLLS. I made a 3 bean salad [Jac’s yummy receipt]. I even bought myself a yummy pate to have on crackers. A salad of Feta and tomatoes and some sliced cucumbers….some Oregano sprinkled on and olive oil and white wine vinegar dressing…..and a piece of corn on the cob! For desert I got Strawberry Ice cream that I will eat outside this evening on our red rocking chairs facing the Sound. That’s something Jac and I did every 4th. We had out ice cream and watched the fire works all along the the north shore of Long Island across the water. Jac would always say to me, “come and sit with me on the rockers and I’ll bring you ice cream”. So tonight there may not be fireworks, but I think there will be a full moon. I’ll just pretend Jac’s with me, have my ice cream and look at the full moon.

  12. Jules

    Happy 4th of July Louis. I completely agree with your sentiments. In this crazy time we are living in I’ve been noticing a lot of things I wouldn’t have noticed before. Probably because I’ve been locked up in my house so long! BUT…I was looking at you in that pink Polo shirt in your last video and I kept thinking….who does he look like? Then it hit me. Louis you are turning into “the most interesting man in the world” from the commercial. Well dang I tried to post his pic here but since I can’t I’ll see if I can post it on FB for you. A fine wine you are Louis, a Fine Wine. 🙂

  13. Pamela DiMarino

    Bravo! Louis! Well said! Prayers and blessings for our beloved country and for you!

  14. Barbara in Virginia

    Hi, Louis; I also despair at what has happened to our country. I just don’t recognize it now. As you know, I have worked for peaceful and progressive changes to lift people up my entire life. Both overseas and here. The saving grace is that neither I nor my friends, associates, and especially my church have fallen into the pit of hatred and selfishness. Our son and his family are loving, caring people with strong values. No one can take that from us. Our church here has online services and will continue until it is once again safe for us to gather together. I am proud of the stands my Episcopal church has taken against the hatred, violence and racism that seems to have gripped the country as well as this horrific virus. I also watch every day the online services that our National Cathedral posts om YouTube, my favorite ones being our Morning Prayers. They keep me centered. Like you, I often have to back off from reading or watching the news of the day as I just can’t handle more of it. But as I am a co-administrator of a 350+ Internet current events discussion group, I can’t do that for long. I am a 13th generation Virginian whose ancestors go back to the earliest days of the Virginia colony and who robustly participated in the forming of our colony and then our country. I can only imagine what they would think of us now. I don’t know where we will end up as a country and have long predicted that we are in for some very hard times. But I do know that, with God’s help, it will not change who I am and what I value. I am inspired by a friend of ours who was one of the Iran hostages. He decided early on that he would probably die, but that no matter what, he would die a gentleman. That is what kept him going, along with long piano passages of Mozart he could imagine playing and long sections of our Book of Common Prayer that he found that he remembered. I hope and pray that with a new administration we will all remember who we are and what our national values are.

  15. Shari

    If Americans would just grow up and
    get back to God. Stop all the knit
    picking of the left and right sides,
    things would be fine.
    HE is probably weeping at all the hate
    in His world and one day soon will be fed up
    and take it all back.
    Be ready people. That day IS coming.
    If you think I’m crazy, get yourself a Bible and read
    the book of Revelations

  16. Gail in PA

    Louis, your message reflects my thinking to T. I have a “separate peace” in the mountains but envy your waterside haven. Before retiring my work involved constant interaction with people and problem solving. I was always grateful to come home to this setting. My work also gave me the gift of seeing that vast improvement can come from even the worst circumstances. It’s now up to those who follow to make things better. My children and grandchildren give me hope.
    I hope that you have your African adventure in the near future. My daughter is a professional photographer and spent some time in South Africa on a photo project. She was captivated by the people and the culture.
    Thank you for articulating what so many people must be thinking and feeling at this time. It isn’t always a bad thing to be alone. “For everything there is a season…”

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