…………..This is a one in a million photograph. Do you think the people in the boat knew what was going on?……A real Jonah moment!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Joanne C

    This is an extraordinary photo!

  2. Ruth

    Do you think the whale knows they are there? I’m guessing yes!

  3. luvitorleaveit

    I totally agree Goldie76 I would have fell out right beside you….I mean really one wrong move. I myself have had some close calls and I think it’s inevitable that it happens and will continue to happen….it’s just life but I am still grateful.

  4. Goldie76

    I have to confess, if I were on that small craft and could see my craft from an aerial view and get a load of that whale beneath me, I’d have “the big one” instantly.

    It does make you wonder how often in life we have come very close to disaster, averted it without our knowledge and lived to another day. If we knew, perhaps we would be more grateful than we often are. Speaking for myself here and anyone else who might identify with such thoughts.

  5. CGee

    That puts things in perspective!

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