Thank You

Thank you everyone for all of my Birthday wishes. Lou took me out to dinner at an Italian restaurant Jac and I used to go to a lot. They have a very nice outdoor seating arrangement across from a park. For desert I had Torta della Nonna, which is a lemon tart, and I had pistachio ice cream on the side….yum

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Cela

    Wow! What a great approach to a pork chop. My Mom used to make Stuffed pork chops, served with apple sauce. I love pork chops, too. And lamb chops with
    Mint jelly ha, ha, ha!!

  2. Cela

    Happy belated birthday Louis !!!! So glad you had company on your birthday! What did you have as an entree ?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Something I never order except at this one restaurant…..a big pork chop with hot peppers

  3. Debby

    Happy Birthday! May you be blessed until 120yr. in good health with much joy and peace and happiness! Thanks for all of the joy you bring to us with your beautiful fashion and jewelry! Debby

  4. Melissa W

    I’m glad you had a nice dinner with Lou. The desserts sound delicious!!

  5. Pamela DiMarino

    Beautiful celebration! Yum, indeed!

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